Tektronix Waveform Monitors WFM700 Series User Manual

Page 52

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WFM700 Series Waveform Monitors User Manual

3- 3

Use the Status Display mode to view current alarm conditions. Use the Event
Log to view past alarm conditions. Refer to Status Displays on page 3--37 and
Logging on page 3--32 for more information.

When the instrument is in the Eye / Jitter operating mode, all enabled alarms are
detected and reported except for the following alarms: RGB Gamut, Composite
Gamut, and Closed Caption Presence. Detection of analog (line 21) closed
caption does not operate if the instrument is in Data mode or in Multi mode
when the Data display is selected as one of the displays.

Eye Measurement Alarms. When enabled, the eye measurement alarms will be
reported to the Event Log in only the following two conditions:

H When the Eye display is selected and the eye measurement readout is

turned on

H When the Event Log or Alarm Status displays are selected after the eye

measurement readout is turned on

That is, if you enter the Eye display and turn on the eye measurements, and then
you use the STATUS button to view the Event Log or Alarm Status displays, the
eye measurement alarms will be active. If you select another display mode such
as Jitter or Waveform, the eye measurement alarms will be disabled.

Jitter Measurement Alarm. When enabled, the Jitter alarm will be reported to the
Event Log in only the following two conditions:

H When the Jitter display is selected

H When the Event Log or Alarm Status displays are selected after the Jitter

display is selected

That is, if you enter the Jitter display and then use the STATUS button to view
the Event Log or Alarm Status displays, the jitter measurement alarm will be
active. If you select another display mode such as Eye or Waveform, the jitter
measurement alarm will be disabled.

Viewing Alarm Status

Error Detection
