T-Fal BeerTender User Manual

Page 8

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A new draught beer tube should be used with

each DraughtKeg


A bag of 5 tubes is included with the BeerTender®

appliance. To order additional beer tubes, please

contact or call 1-888-


Chilling the DraughtKeg

1. Before pouring a draught beer, it is very important that

the Heineken


and Heineken Premium Light


DraughtKeg reach the correct temperature.

2. Ensure DraughtKeg is sufficiently chilled before

pouring a draught beer. Insufficiently chilled
DraughtKegs will produce too much foam. It is ideal to
purchase the DraughtKeg pre-chilled or pre-chill over
night before intended use. If the DraughtKeg needs
additional chilling, there are 2 recommended options:

a. Inside the BeerTender – Depending on the
temperature of the DraughtKeg, it will take up
to 18 hours to chill to the ideal serving
b. In a refrigerator – Depending on the
temperature of your refrigerator, it will take up to
12 hours to chill to the ideal serving temperature.

Tip: We recommend that you always keep an extra
DraughtKeg in your refrigerator to always have a chilled
keg available.

Preparing the BeerTender

IMPORTANT: It is important that the BeerTender power
switch is turned on before inserting the DraughtKeg.

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