Tektronix 850 User Manual

Page 7

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For the software warranty please see the end user license agreement included with the

If you are an Australian consumer, you should be aware that the Trade Practices Act
1974 and equivalent State and Territory legislation (collectively "the Acts") contain
special provisions designed to protect Australian consumers. Nothing in any Tektronix
warranty material excludes or limits the application of any provision of any of the Acts,
where to do so would contravene the Acts or cause any part of this warranty to be void.
In this warranty material, an implied condition or warranty, the exclusion of which from
a contract with a "Consumer" (as defined in the Acts) would contravene any provision of
the Acts or cause any part or all of this warranty to be void, is called a "Non-excludable
Condition". To the full extent permitted by law, Tektronix’s sole and total liability to the
customer for a breach of any Non-excludable Condition (including for any consequential
loss suffered by the customer) is limited, except as otherwise stated herein, to (at
Tektronix’ option) replacing or repairing the goods, or resupplying, or paying the cost of
the resupply of, the services, in respect of which the breach occurred. Subject to the
above, all conditions and warranties which would or might otherwise be implied in a
Consumer contract, whether by operation of statute, inference from circumstances,
industry practice or otherwise, are excluded.