Using the management port, Testmem, Errchat Page 17: Exit (quit), Help, Chapter 5 – using the management port -1, 1 testmem -1, 2 errchat -1, 3 exit (quit) -1, 4 help -1
Page 17: Exit (quit), Help, Chapter 5 – using the management port -1, 1 testmem -1, 2 errchat -1, 3 exit (quit) -1, 4 help -1

Chapter 5 – Using the Management Port
The management port on the RAM-SAN allows an administrator to configure the system, monitor performance, and diagnose
problems with the system. The ‘help’ command displays a list of commands available. The following sections provide a
more detailed description of the commands available through the monitor.
5.1 testmem
The ‘testmem’ command is used to verify the integrity of the system memory. This command causes the management port to
generate and check patterns in the shared memory area. Any errors that are found are reported to the monitor along with the
address in memory and the data that failed. WARNING: This test should only be run when there are no attached Fibre
Channel connections because all data in system memory is overwritten by this test. The monitor also displays a line that
shows the parameters associated with each test. The following is output from the ‘testmem’ command:
ram-san> testmem
All data in the RAM-SAN will be destroyed.
Continue (yes/no)? yes
Press ‘Q’ to Quit
004729 sa:0x00e8f458 wc: 0x014a5390 64-bit COMPLX RND
The first number denotes the test iteration. The next two numbers are the starting address and word count for the test. The
last part of the line describes the type of pattern being tested. In this case a complex 64-bit random pattern is used. This test
is used to find bit error and ECC errors in system memory. Data errors will be shown as part of the ‘testmem’ command.
ECC errors may be viewed using the ‘log’ command from the command line. Any ECC errors will be noted with a terminal
beep and a message.
5.2 errchat
The ‘errchat’ command toggles the displaying of ECC error messages. All errors are still logged to on the management port,
but the error warning is not displayed. This function is useful for systems that find an error but still need to be used without
the constant reporting of the error.
5.3 exit (quit)
The exit command is used to close a telnet connection. This command has no effect from the console.
5.4 help
The help command provides a brief online description of each command that is available. Commands that require parameters
are listed with the ‘<parameters>’ as options.
ram-san> help
testmem : Run memory diagnostics (destructive)
errchat : Togles ECC error chattering on or off
exit : Logout of the monitor
help : List a table of commands
history : Show command line history
ipconfig : Configure ethernet parameters
log : Displays a list of system ecc errors
partition : Disk space allocation utility
password : Sets the login password
performance : Displays system performance
status : Prints status information
RAM-SAN User’s Guide
Texas Memory Systems, Inc. (February 7, 2003)