3 selection of encoder type – Toshiba Tosvert Inverter E6580772 User Manual
Page 19

Caution in case of using open collector encoder connection
In case using pulse command oscillator and open collector encoder, the rise time of the voltage when the
transistor is OFF tends to be longer than the fall time at the time when the transistor is ON. Therefore, if the
maximum input frequency becomes higher, the pulse duty cannot maintain the 50±10% specification.
Conduct derating on the maximum input frequency so that the pulse duty will be within the following
specification range.
0.8/(Maximum input frequency x A) – Voltage rise time ≧ 3 x 10
A : (single phase input: 2) (two-phase input: 4)
Voltage rise time = Encoder exclusive pulse rise time + R x C
Encoder exclusive pulse rise time (s) : Please inquire at the encoder manufacturer.
R (Ω) (Input resistance)
: internal resistance 1000(Ω)+external resistance value
(In case there is external resistance)
C(F) (Cable static capacity)
: Please inquire at the cable manufacturer.
: LBJ-005-500 (SUMTAK), 2-phase input
Encoder pulse rise time : 0.35 x 10
: ROVV-SB-0.2-5P-10m (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd)
Static capacity : 120 x 10
(F/m) x 10 (m)
From Formulae①
0.8/(Maximum input frequency x A) – Voltage rise time ≧ 3 x 10
Voltage rise time = (0.35 x 10
) + 1000 x (120 x 10
x 10)
= 1.55 x 10
[Maximum input frequency] ≦87912 (Pulse/s) [Single phase input]
43956 (Pulse/s) [Two-phase input]
3.2.3 Selection of encoder type
The encoder type should be selected, following the table below.
Encoder Type
Maximum Wiring Length
Rated voltage output with emitter/follower
High anti-nose characteristics. High-speed response.
Long-distance transmission capability.
Need to pay attention to waveform irregularity.
Open Collector
The collector of the transistor is output directly.
Low anti-noise characteristics. Low-cost.
Need to pay attention to waveform irregularity and