Ken kessler, hi-fi news – QUAD Vaccume Tube Amplifier Systems User Manual
Page 8

Peter Walker always believed that an amplifier should be
as simple as possible - engineer with the fewest possible
components and with a performance largely
independent of those components.
The QC-twenty-four, a low-noise RIAA curve phono
stage has an understated elegant simplicity, although we
use high quality components wherever these appear in
the signal path.
Bifurcated contact relays (crossing each other at right
angles to make a better contact) are used on each input
to maintain the best possible signal conduction. Gold-
plated connectors and a carefully screened enclosure
are further examples of the attention to detail
throughout the construction.
The total line gain is 15dB, with a high quality
potentiometer controlling the output levels.
Reminiscent of the original QC-22 control module,
there is a simple balance control allowing for variation
from left to right of up to 12dB.
Amplification is provided courtesy of a twin triode 6111,
new old-stock valve - originally designed for use in the
guidance systems of missiles and manufactured to
exceptionally high tolerances. The remarkably long
expected life-span of this valve means we can
comfortably build it into the PCB without the
compromises usually experienced when using valve
Two buffered tape loops are provided as standard.
“Quad has succeeded where few of hi-fi’s gamblers
dare: They’ve followed the ESL-989 with not just a
worthy amplifier, but with a silent smooth and
precise control unit as well.” -
Ken Kessler, Hi-Fi News