Qc- phono stages, The quad – QUAD Vaccume Tube Amplifier Systems User Manual
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For the analogue purist, the combination of a good
valve amplifier and a good turntable is the closest
possible approach to the original recording.
There are two options for adding such functionality to
our valve pre-amplifiers.
A solid-state module is available for the standard QC-
twenty-four pre-amplifier (known as the QC-24 phono
stage) which allows direct connection of a turntable
with an internal switch to change between moving coil
and moving magnet cartridges. This can be fitted as
standard or added later.
For the connoisseur however, there is the Quad twenty-
four P dedicated valve phono stage. This has been
designed for Quad by valve supremo Tim DeParavicini -
probably the finest valve amplifier designer in the world
today. It has been voiced by the finest ears in the
industry and will add an entirely new dimension to your
enjoyment of vinyl recordings.
This unit features a moving magnet/ moving coil toggle
switch on the rear, and a choice of direct full level
output, or a variable level output if you wish to connect
directly to a power amplifier.
QC-phono stages
The Quad