User tips, Transportation – Quickie Mfg. Wheelchair User Manual

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10. User tips

10.1. Caution
Please show the utmost consideration for the other traffic on the
road. Remember that the last thing a car or lorry driver expects to
see is a wheelchair backing off the kerb into the road. If in any
doubt, do not risk crossing the road until you are certain that it is
safe. Always cross the road as quickly as possible; there may be
other traffic.

10.2. Adverse conditions
Please be aware that when driving your wheelchair in adverse con-
ditions, e.g. on wet grass, mud, ice, snow, or other slippery surfa-
ces you may experience a reduction in the grip and traction of your
wheelchair. We recommend you take extra precautions in these
conditions, particularly on hills and slopes, your wheelchair could
become unstable or skid causing possible injury. Extreme varian-
ces in temperature may trigger the self protect mechanism in the
control system. If this occurs the control system will temporarily
shut down to prevent damage to the electronics or the chair.

10.3. Ramps
When using a ramp, please ensure that it is capable of taking the
combined weight of the power chair and yourself. If a ramp is
being used to load a chair into a vehicle, please ensure the ramp is
properly secured to the vehicle. Always approach the ramp head-
on and exercise caution.

Note: Please ensure your ramp is suitable for the product you
are transporting.

10.4. Transfer to and from the chair
Sunrise Medical recommend that you consult your healthcare pro-
fessional for assistance in developing your personal front or side
transfer technique to best suit your needs, and avoid any personal

Note: Ensure controller is switched off during transfers to avo-
id unintentional movement.

10.5. Gradients: ascents
When going uphill, keep the chair moving. Steer by moving the joy-
stick from side to side. If you have stopped on a hill, you should
start slowly. On a RWD chair, if necessary lean forward to prevent
the tendency for the front wheels to lift.

10.6. Gradients: descents
On descents, it is important not to let the wheelchair accelerate
beyond its normal level of ground speed. In fact, it is safer to pro-
ceed slowly down steep descents (below the speed of 5kph) and
stop, if any anxiety arises regarding directional control. If the chair
picks up speed, centre the control to slow it or to stop all forward
movement, then restart slowly and do not allow the speed to
increase. The solid state controller has the benefit of a logic
system that will help compensate when driving along a camber or
up a hill. This is an added safety feature on your wheelchair. In
addition of course, you may control the wheelchair speed by using
the speed control.

11. Transportation

11.1. Clamp points
Should you choose to transport
the GROOVE, please clamp the
product using a 4 Point Webbing
Restraint as per the diagram
shown (

Fig. 70 and 71

). Make sure

chair is not in Freewheel mode!

11.2. Transportation in vehicles
This wheelchair has been crash
tested in its standard configurati-
on. However, due to safety risks
Sunrise Medical do not recom-
mend the transportation of people
in their wheelchairs.
Should a person need to be trans-
ported in wheelchair on transport
systems, the following should be
adhered to:

1. The wheelchair must be posi-

tioned forward facing.

2. For tie down points on the

wheelchair, please look for the
tie-down symbols on the
wheelchair. Use D rings part
number DR.

3. A head restraint suitable for

transportation (see label of
headrest) must be fitted and
suitably positioned at all times
during the transportation.

4. If possible, remove seat cushi-

on to create a lower centre of

5. The wheelchair must be secu-

red by a 4-part Tie Down
Restraint system, conforming
to ISO 10542 part 2.

6. The occupant must be restrai-

ned independently of the wheelchair by a lap and diagonal
safety belt, conforming to
ISO 10542 part 3. Sunrise Medical postural lap belts are for
postural support only, and not suitable as restraints during

7. Any detachable accessories or components of the wheelchair

must be removed and stored securely in the vehicle luggage
compartment during transportation.

8. The Tie down restraints should be fitted to the main frame of

the wheelchair as indicated by the karabiner stickers, and in
the User Manual, and not to any other part of the chair.

9. The Tie Down restraints should be attached as close as possi-

ble at an angle of 45°, and tightened securely in accordance
with the restraint manufacturers’ instructions.

10. The wheelchair parking brakes must be firmly applied.

Fig. 70

Fig. 71

Fig. 72

Fig. 73

or charger. Be extra cautious to reduce the risk of dropping a
metal tool on to the battery. It could spark or short circuit the
battery or other electrical parts that may cause an explosion.
Also take off all personal metal effects and dangling objects
when working on the battery.

• Never charge a frozen battery. A fully charged battery will rarely

freeze but the electrolyte of a discharged battery can freeze
at -9° Centigrade, any battery that is suspected of being frozen
should be thawed completely before charging.

Note: When buying replacement batteries always consult your
Sunrise Medical service agent.

9.13. Battery warranty
Battery warranties are subject to periods set by the manufacturers,
however, most of these warranties are subject to a wear and tear
clause, and if you genuinely wear out your batteries in 6 months, it
will not be possible to obtain a replacement under warranty.