Quickie Mfg. Wheelchair User Manual

Page 15

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7.6. Indicators
The right hand button operates the right side, front and rear indica-
tors, the left button operates the left side, front and rear indicators.
To cancel press the button again

(Fig. 59


7.7. The horn button
Hand Control: When pressing the horn buzzer will sound. It stops
when you release the button (

Fig. 58 and 59


Compact Hand Control: When pressing and holding the mode but-
ton the buzzer will sound. It stops when you release the button.

7.8. Hazard lights
Depressing the button will operate the front and rear hazard lights.
This is effective either when the chair is switched On or Off. The
indicators will flash intermittently until cancelled by pressing the
button again (

Fig. 58 and 59

). This function is also indicated

through the Hand Control LED´s.

7.9. Main lights
Depressing this button will operate the lights (

Fig. 59

) only when

the chair is switched on. Pressing it again will switch the lights off.

7.10. Actuator mode function
This will be included on your remote Joystick module if you have
one or more electric options fitted to your chair (

Fig. 58 and 59


Refer to sections 5.4.4., 5.6., 6.9.2. and 6.12. on powered option

7.11. Menu select
To choose an electric option press the mode button twice until the
green lights are visible on the wheelchair icon in the centre of the
joystick. Move the joystick to the left or right to indicate which fun-
ction can be used. When the desired function has been chosen
you can activate the electric actuator system. If you attempt to
operate the electric functions when driving, the chair will automati-
cally come to a safe stop. We recommend you only use the electric
options whilst stationary.

Up/Down movement
Once the relevant electric option has been chosen the required
movement is achieved by moving the joystick forwards or back-

Accessing Environmental Control Modes (via ECM where fitted)
Where an Environmental Control Module (ECM) is fitted to the
wheelchair, access to the Modes is achieved as follows:
1. Press the Mode Button until the Mode LED adjacent to the

Mode Button lights up Amber (This may be two presses, or three
presses depending upon whether Actuators are present on the

2. Select the desired Environmental Control Channel by moving the

Joystick in the direction that matches the channel option on the
Pie Chart.

3. To operate channel outputs, move the Joystick into the direction


4. To return to Drive Mode, press the Mode Button once more.

7.12. Operating the control joystick
When engaging the main On/Off switch, allow a few seconds prior
to moving the joystick (

Fig. 60

). This allows the system to self

check. If you move the joystick too soon, the battery level indicator
display will not illuminate until the joystick is released.
If it is off null for more than 5 seconds a system error will occur.
Whilst this is not harmful to your wheelchair, you will need to
switch off and then back on to clear the system.

Note: This is a safety feature to prevent unintended movement.

To steer, simply move the joystick in the direction you wish to go.
Proceed slowly at first, i.e., do not push the joystick too far for-
ward. Brakes will engage as soon as the joystick is released and
the chair has come to a halt.
Once the brakes have been applied, switching off will make no dif-
ference to the brakes, although it is always safer when remaining
stationary for a period of time to switch off.

7.13. Proportional control Summary
1. To steer, simply move the joystick in the direction you wish to go


Fig. 58 and 59


2. The further you move the joystick, the faster you will go.
3. New users should use slower speeds until they feel confident

when driving the powerchair. Adjust the Drive Profile as explai-
ned in section 7.1.

4. The brakes will automatically stop the wheelchair from any

speed when the joystick is released.

5. Switching off the chair immediately applies abrupt braking and is

not recommended for normal use.

6. It is important that the chair is stationary when changing direc-

tion from reverse to forward.

7. Always switch to off before getting into or out of the chair.

7.14. Programming port
Hand Control: The programming port is placed in the bottom front
of the pod.
No hand control: The programming port can be any unused bus
socket on any of the modules. If no free bus socket is available bus
splitters are available through SUNRISE MEDICAL.
This will enable an approved service agent to re-programme your
chair and also gain useful information when tracing any faults.
When the chair leaves the factory, the parameters of the controller
are set to default.
To programme the controller you need a special programming
device (Handheld or PC software), which is available through your
Sunrise Medical Dealer.

Note: SUNRISE MEDICAL does not accept responsibility for
damages which result from unexpected stopping of the
wheelchair or inappropriate programming or unauthorised use
of the wheelchair.

Note: Programming the controller of the wheelchair is only
allowed through authorised personnel trained by Sunrise
Medical. Incorrect controller settings could cause driving out-
side the safe limits and could result in damage or injury.

7.15. Charging socket
See section 9.0. about charging.

Ensure that you set the speed of the attendent control to a
speed that you can comfortably follow.
Ensure that you always have comfortable access to the con-
trols whilst the chair is moving and make sure that the control-
ler is fixed securely to the chair.
It is important that the joystick boot is replaced if it is torn or
brittle, failing to do so could cause substance damage to the
controller and unexpected movement of the chair.
Always turn off the power to the controller when leaving the
user in the chair.
Do not replace the joystick knob with any unauthorised item. It
may cause hazardous operation and loss of control of the

Ensure that you always have comfortable access to the con-
trols whilst the chair is moving. Make sure that the controller is
fixed securely to the centre bar. See Fig. 45.
It is important that the joystick boot is replaced if it is torn or
brittle, failing to do so could cause substance damage to the
controller and unexpected movement of the chair.
Always turn off the power to the controller before moving the
controller out of the way.

The maximum weight allowed for the tray is 2.5kg.
Do not to overload the tray, this could cause the tray to break
or could cause the chair to become unstable.
Ensure that you always have comfortable access to the con-
trols whilst the chair is moving and make sure that there is
nothing on the tray that could interfere with your control of the
It is important that the joystick boot is replaced if it is torn or
brittle, failing to do so could cause substance damage to the
controller and unexpected movement of the chair.
Always turn off the power to the controller before moving the
tray out of the way.
Do not leave lit cigarettes or other heat sources on the tray as
this could cause the tray to deform and mark.
Ensure that all extremities and clothing are free when positio-
ning the tray for use.
Do not replace the joystick knob with any unauthorised item. It
may cause hazardous operation and loss of control of the

Ensure that you always have comfortable access to the con-
trols whilst the chair is moving.
Do not replace the joystick knob with any unauthorised item. It
may cause hazardous operation and loss of control of the

The maximum weight allowed for the tray is 2.5kg.
Do not to overload the tray, this could cause the tray to break
or could cause the chair to become unstable.
Do not leave lit cigarettes or other heat sources on the tray as
this could cause the tray to deform and mark.
Ensure that all extremities and clothing are free when positio-
ning the tray for use.