Preparing your wheelchair for use – Quickie Mfg. Wheelchair User Manual

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5. Preparing your wheelchair for use

5.1. Emergency freewheel

By pressing and turning the relea-
se levers on both sides of the base
into the down position (

Fig. 37

) the

drives become disconnected from
the motors.

By releasing the locking lever and
pulling the freewheel lever back-
wards on both sides of the base

Fig. 38

) the drives become dis-

connected from the motors.

This may only be used in an emer-
gency, or if you need to manually
push your wheelchair.
It is not intended for permanent
use or to push the wheelchair
up/down a slope with the user sitting in it.

Note: The chairs automatic braking system will not work unless the
brake release levers are in the “drive” position.

CAUTION: Motor surfaces can be hot after use. Be careful not
to touch the motor casing when disengaging the freewheel.

5.2. Drive wheel suspension GROOVE F/R
The GROOVE F/R has an effective and adjustable drive wheel sus-
pension system as a standard feature. To match your requirements
on drive comfort, the tension of the springs at the damper can be
Turning the aluminium ring on the bottom of the spring downwards
will soften your ride, adjusting the aluminium ring in a higher positi-
on will harden it. This option is to be used to match the different
user weights to the suspension
system. (

Fig. 39

). We recommend

the suspension adjustments are
done equally on the left and right
side of the chair.

5.3. Armrests

5.3.1. Adjusting the armrest
width (Recaro, Rehab and Com-
fort Seat only)
To adjust the width loosen the two
screws (10mm spanner) as shown
in (

Fig. 40

) move the armrest recei-

ver brackets to the desired positi-
on, and tighten the screws firmly
prior to use. The steel part must
always be located in both alumini-
um clamp halves.

5.3.2. Adjusting armrest height
Please refer to your appropriate
armrest type.

Single Post Armrest (Comfort,
Rehab and Recaro Seat):
The height adjustment of the arm-
rests is made via the threaded
screws at the upper edge of the
insertion tube of the side guard. To
adjust the height (

Fig. 41

) loosen

the adjusting screw (6 mm Allen Key), move the armrest to the
desired position and tighten the screw.

Flip-back armrest (Perfect Fit seat):
Take the back cover off the Perfect Fit backrest. Loosen the two
bolts of the armrest receiver and adjust the height along the slot.
Tighten the screws carefully when the appropriate height is achiev-
ed. The adjustment range is increased also by turning the receiver
part upside down.

Reclining armrest (Perfect Fit Seat):
Loosen the two screws at the rear armrest receiver and slide the
armrest up and down along the slot in the backrest wing. Fix it with
the screws at the appropriate height. Take the two screws out at
the front tube of the reclining armrest to adjust the front height.
Hold the outer tube at the appropriate height, replace the screws
and re-tighten.

5.3.3. Parallel Swing Away Arm
Before adjusting the swing-away arm, switch off the controller to
avoid accidental displacement of the joystick, which would cause
unwanted movement of your wheelchair.
Gently apply pressure to the side of the controller nearest the user
and as close as possible to the front of the controller.
The controller will move outwards and then backward before rea-
ching its fully back position.
Keep your fingers and clothing, etc. Clear while operating the
swing-away mechanism.
If required, your wheelchair can be operated with the swing-away
mechanism in its fully back position, but only for slow manoeuvring
such as positioning the wheelchair closer to table tops, etc. To
revert to the normal driving position, switch off the power and pull
the arm outwards and then forwards before returning the arm to its
‘home’ position.
Make sure the controller is fully engaged in its home position befo-
re switching on and operating the wheelchair in the normal manner.

Please ensure that after placing the parallel swing away into
its in-line position that the cable of the Hand Control is correc-
tly stowed away under the arm-rest. Do not hang any items on
or over the parallel swing-away remote assembly as this could
damage the swing-away mechanism. When transferring to and
from the wheelchair do not use the remote as a means of support.

Keep fingers, clothing, etc. Clear of the swing-away mecha-
nism at all times. Ensure the power is switched off while
adjusting the parallel swing-away arm. Only operate the
wheelchair at low manoeuvring speed when the parallel swing-
away is in use.

5.4. Legrests

5.4.1. Adjusting
the footrest length
To adjust the foot-
rest length remove
the screw assembly
on the footrest stem
as shown in



), adjust the

length to suit. Ensu-
re the bolt is firmly
located and tighten-
ed prior to use.

Note: The internal
footrest stem may
require cutting
down in length to allow the footplate position to be raised.

5.4.2. Footplates
The footplates may be flipped up to aid entry and exit from the
chair. Do not use the footplates to stand on as the full weight of
your body may cause the chair to tip forwards. This could result in
injury and could damage the footrests.

5.4.3. Manual elevating legrest (ELR)
To elevate:
Pull the legrest upwards and stop at the desired height. The legrest
will automatically lock in the chosen position.

To lower:
Push the release lever slowly forward. The legrest will lower the
angle. As soon as you release the lever, the legrest will be locked in
the current position.

CAUTION: Always ensure that the legrests do not come into
contact with the castors before driving the chair.
CAUTION: Keep hands clear of the adjustment mechanism
between the frame and the movable parts of the legrest while
elevating or lowering the legrest.
CAUTION: Legrests are not to be used for lifting or carrying
the wheelchair with an occupant.

5.4.4. Powered elevating Legrest
To operate:

Delphi QC Control:
To operate the Legrests simply push the Mode Button to select
Actuator mode and then operate the Joystick left or right to select
the Actuator required (Actuator 1 or Actuator 2). Selection is indi-
cated via the lighting of the Green LED adjacent to the desired

Fig. 37

Fig. 40

Fig. 42

Fig. 43

Fig. 38

Fig. 39

Fig. 41