Oki 6120i User Manual
Page 152

IV - 59
Section 4 - Appendix B - Application Considerations
OKI OkiLAN 6120i User’s Guide
4. The bootpd daemon transmits a response to the
OkiLAN 6120i with the IP address
The OkiLAN 6120i will use this IP address for all
subsequent transmissions.
For these steps to work properly, at least one BOOTP
daemon (bootpd) must be running on the BOOTP
server. To test whether a BOOTP daemon is running on
the BOOTP server, use the ps command with the show
all process option within fifteen minutes of an
attempted BOOTP request. Unfortunately, the ps
options differ from one UNIX workstation to another.
Perform a man ps at the UNIX prompt to consult a
manual page on the ps command for a particular
workstation. If bootpd is not running on a workstation,
type man bootpd at the UNIX prompt to consult a
manual page on the BOOTP daemon and how to start
Often TCP/IP networks are divided into subnets.
BOOTP does not work across subnets. When installing
an OkiLAN 6120i, make sure the following criteria are
met for BOOTP to work properly.
• Both the BOOTP server and the OkiLAN 6120i
are physically attached to the same subnet.
• The IP address assigned to the OkiLAN 6120i
and the IP address of the BOOTP server belong to
the same subnet.
• Your router(s) are configured to forward BOOTP
packets between the OkiLAN 6120i’s subnet and
the subnet of the host running the BOOTP server.