Balancing the telescope – Orion ED EQ User Manual

Page 5

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inserting the Diagonal and Eyepiece
The SkyView Pro 100mm ED EQ comes with a camera adapt-
er attached to its focuser drawtube. Loosen the two thumb
screws securing the camera adapter to the focuser drawtube
and remove the camera adapter (see Figure 4). Insert the
chrome barrel of the star diagonal into the focuser and secure
it with the thumb screws on the drawtube. The star diagonal
comes with a 1.25" adapter in it; this part allows for use of
1.25" barrel diameter eyepieces in the 2" diameter diago-
nal (see Figure 5). Make sure the 1.25" adapter is secure in
the diagonal by tightening the thumb screw on the diagonal.
Loosen the thumb screw on the 1.25" adapter and insert the
barrel of the 25mm eyepiece into it. Secure the eyepiece with
the thumb screw on the 1.25" adapter.

Your telescope is now completely assembled and should
appear as shown in Figure 1.

4. Balancing the telescope

To ensure smooth movement of the telescope on both axes
of the equatorial mount, it is imperative that the optical tube
is properly balanced. We will first balance the telescope with
respect to the right ascension (R.A.) axis, then the declination
(Dec.) axis.
1. Keeping one hand on the telescope optical tube, loosen

the R.A. lock lever. Make sure the Dec. lock lever is locked,
for now. The telescope should now be able to rotate freely
about the right ascension axis. Rotate it until the counter-
weight shaft is parallel to the ground (i.e., horizontal).

2. Now loosen the counterweight lock knob and slide the

weight along the shaft until it exactly counterbalances the
telescope (Figure 6a). That’s the point at which the shaft
remains horizontal even when you let go with both hands
(Figure 6b).

Figure 4.

Before installing the 2" star diagonal, you must remove

the camera adapter that comes attached to the telescope.

Focuser drawtube Thumb screws

Figure 5a. and 5b.

(a.)To use 1.25" barrel diameter

eyepieces, the 1.25" adapter must be installed in the 2" star
diagonal. (b.) To use 2" eyepieces, remove the 1.25" adapter.

1.25" Barrel diameter eyepiece



Camera adapter

2" Star diagonal

1.25" Adapter

2" Barrel diameter eyepiece

Finder scope

Finder scope bracket




Focus lock ring

Figure 3a.

The 8x40 finder scope.


Figure 3b.

Pull-back on the tensioner and slide the finder scope

into its bracket until the O-ring is seated in the bracket ring.