Introduction – Orion PARSEC 8300M User Manual
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1. Introduction
Welcome to the exciting world of astro-imaging. Your new
Astronomical Imaging Camera is capable of captur-
ing professional quality astro-images of your favorite celestial
objects. You can showcase spectacular images on your com-
puter, share them on the internet, or print them. The camera’s
large 8.3 mega-pixel array provides very high resolution imag-
es which are great for publishing in large prints.
Please read this instruction manual before attempting to use the camera or install
the needed software. For the most detailed information on specific camera and
software functions, consult the Maxim DL
Help Topics included with the CD; the
tutorials found there are especially useful for familiarizing yourself with the soft-
ware and camera.
1.1. the Parsec 8300
The Parsec 8300 is a high resolution, 8.3 megapixel CCD with a dual-stage,
regulated thermoelectric cooler to enable maximum imaging performance. Both
the 8300M and 8300C are very sensitive and capable of detecting faint deep sky
objects in a short exposure; and longer exposures can reveal extremely deep
fields with subtle nebulosity and galaxies in the background.
The unique versatility of the Kodak KAF8300 full frame CCD lets you take advan-
tage of the densely-packed pixel array. 1x1 mode (3326 x 2504) utilizes the full
resolution of the camera, providing the most detailed images and largest possible
prints. Binning in 2x2 mode (1663 x 1252) increases the camera’s sensitivity and
full well capacity (meaning it can collect more light) at the expense of resolution.
Binning in 2x2 mode can be especially useful for longer focal length and higher
focal ratio telescopes. Note that the Parsec 8300C model will not have any color
in 2x2 mode.
1.2. the Parsec 10100C
The 10.7 megapixel Parsec 10100C uses Kodak’s KAI10100 interline CCD. It has
the same cooling system and architecture as the Parsec 8300, but with slightly
faster data transfer to accommodate the higher number of pixels (3760 x 2840 in
1x1, 1880 x 1420 in 2x2). Additionally the number of binning modes includes 1x1
(full resolution), 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4.
This CCD chip offers the unique ability to image in color at 1x1 mode, as well
as 2x2 mode. This is advantageous when imaging with different focal lengths. In
general, the longer focal length telescopes (like RCs and SCTs) are more suited
to image with in 2x2 for this particular CCD sensor, because the pixels are small.
Imaging in 2x2 mode makes each pixel size the equivalent of 10.8 microns instead
of 5.4 in 1x1 mode. Binning 2x2 with color cameras is normally captured in mono-
chrome only. But the Parsec 10100C can bin 2x2 in color.
1.3. Feature Highlights
Simple interface: A USB port and power port are all that’s needed to
power and connect to the Parsec (Figure 1).
-stage thermoelectric cooler: Dramatically reduces thermal noise in
all images.
Regulated cooling: Enables you to set the exact temperature within the
cooling range of the camera. This allows you to take calibration images like
dark frames at the exact same temperature as your light frames, making for
the cleanest images possible. Additionally, since you can match the CCD
temperature at any time (within the range of the cooler), you have the freedom
to take dark frames when it’s most convenient for you, so you don’t have to use
up valuable imaging time to take dark frames.
Regulated cooling fan speed: Three fan speed settings allow you to set
the speed to your liking. High is the loudest but most effective setting.
Shutter: A shutter is necessary for Kodak CCD chips, but it also enables
you to automatically take dark frames without having to cap the front of
your telescope. This is especially useful when taking autosave image
High speed USB 2
.0 interface and internal memory buffer: The full
frame 32 megabyte SDRAM on-board memory ensures a clean image
download each time, even if the system resources of your PC are
temporarily compromised. The high-speed USB 2.0 downloads the full
frame within 15 seconds depending on your computer speed.
Compact design: With a footprint of just 4" x 4" with 3" of depth, the
Parsec easily fits into your imaging setup. The Parsec’s compact size also
makes the camera suitable for Celestron
Hyperstar or Fastar systems.
Figure 1.
Parsec ports and LEDs.
Tripod adapter
Power port
USB port