Omega DPF500 Series User Manual

Page 15

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Chapter 6 Error Messages / Analog Output Calibration

6.1 Error Messages

The DPF500 is provided with extensive self checking which assists the user in the location of setup entry errors

and in reporting malfunctions or unusual operating conditions. When an error occurs, the display will fl ash. Press

any key to see the error message corresponding to the error that has occurred. Press any key again to acknowl-

edge the error. (If the error can be eliminated by a change of setup values, the unit will automatically advance to

the MENU so that the appropriate setup changes can be made).

Table - 1 illustrates the warning message, problem, and recommended corrective actions.

Diagnostic Error Messages Table-1





Rate Low set

Set Rate Hi greater

higher than Rate Hi

than Rate Lo


Factor = 0

Set in correct Factor

“BAT” Descriptor

Low Battery

Replace battery(ies)

E total

Total rollover

None required


Rate exceeds 99999

Use lower rate dec point

E pulse

Pulse out Overfl ow

Use different pulse scaler or

totalizer decimal point


Save to fl ash

Write down displayed total and

memory failed

setup values if you are changing

the battery. If total wasn't saved,

it will display an arbitrary total

when new battery is installed. In

this case, reset the total to 0 and

check the setup information.

6.2 Analog Output Calibration

CAUTION: Performing the analog output calibration will erase all programming values. Please record all

programmed values before beginning the analog output calibration

If the unit is equipped with the analog output option, the 4-20 mA has been accurately set to 4.000 and

20.000 mA by the factory. No calibrationshould be required.

The 4-20 mA output may be verifi ed periodically by installing a digital milliamp meter(DMM) in series with the

analog output and simulating a full scale or over range fl ow rate.

If the output is out of calibration, perform the following:

Remove power and/or disconnect battery(ies). Hold down the scroll (↑) key and replace the battery. This will

initiallize the unit and advance to the analog output calibration mode. Connect a DMM set to read current in series

with a power supply (8.5 to 30 volts DC) to TB12 (+) and TB11 (–). The output should read 4.000 ma (± 0.005).

If it does not, Adjust the numbers on the display up or down until the output reads 4.000 ma (± 0.005). Press the

"E" key. The DMM should now read 20.000 ma (± 0.005). If it does not, Adjust the numbers on the display up or

down until the output reads 20.000 ma (± 0.005). Press "E" and the unit will return to the "RUN" mode.




Rate Low set

Set Rate Hi greater

higher than Rate Hi

than Rate Lo

Factor = 0

Set in correct Factor

“BAT” Descriptor

Low Battery

Replace battery(ies)

Total rollover

None required

Rate exceeds 99999

Use lower rate dec point

Pulse out Overfl ow

Use different pulse scaler or

totalizer decimal point

Save to fl ash

Write down displayed total and

memory failed

setup values if you are changing

the battery. If total wasn't saved,

it will display an arbitrary total

when new battery is installed. In

this case, reset the total to 0 and

check the setup information.




Rate Low set

Set Rate Hi greater

higher than Rate Hi

than Rate Lo

Factor = 0

Set in correct Factor

“BAT” Descriptor

Low Battery

Replace battery(ies)

Total rollover

None required

Rate exceeds 99999

Use lower rate dec point

Pulse out Overfl ow

Use different pulse scaler or

totalizer decimal point

Save to fl ash

Write down displayed total and

memory failed

setup values if you are changing

the battery. If total wasn't saved,

it will display an arbitrary total

when new battery is installed. In

this case, reset the total to 0 and

check the setup information.