Orion 52083 User Manual

Page 41

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Loss of Camera Connection
If the computer connection to the camera is interrupted, you will need to
re-establish connection. This can happen due to several reasons; if a cable
becomes unplugged, the computer “freezes”, or the software/hardware other-
wise temporarily loses the data coming from the camera.
To re-establish camera connection, first close the Maxim DL Essentials pro-
gram on your computer. Then, unplug and re-plug the camera into the com-
puter’s USB port. Now, open Maxim DL Essentials, and the Camera Control
should appear indicating re-established connection between camera
and computer.

Using Focal Reducers and Barlow Lenses
Focal reducers and barlow lenses change the effective focal length of a tele-
scope. These lenses are inserted between the camera and telescope when
imaging to change image scale.
Focal reducers serve to decrease the focal length of your telescope. This
increases the field of view seen by the camera (decreases camera magnifi-
cation). This can be very useful for obtaining images of wide-field deep sky
objects, such as the Andromeda Galaxy or the Pleadies star cluster. Focal
reducers will usually thread onto the nosepiece of the SSDSMI-2.
Barlow lenses increase the focal length of your telescope, which makes the
camera’s field of view narrower (increases camera magnification). This is use-
ful for planetary imaging. Keep in mind that when the focal length is doubled,
the image will become four times dimmer, so a longer exposure may be nec-
essary. Barlow lenses are generally inserted in the focuser’s drawtube and
secured with the thumbscrew on the focuser’s drawtube, and the SSDSMI-2’s
nosepiece is inserted into the barlow and secured with the thumbscrew on the
barlow lens.

Any standard Orion 1.25" filter will thread into the front of the SSDSMI-2’s barrel.
For deep sky or planetary imaging with the SSDSMI-2, special dichroic color
filters can be used to capture rich color definition when combined in MaxIm DL
Essentials. LRGB filters are available from Orion which include a Luminance,
Red, Green, and Blue imaging filter for use with CCD cameras, especially the
SSDSMI-2. The filters can be individually threaded into the 1.25” nosepiece
of the SSDSMI-2. However, because 4 filters are required to assemble one
color image, we recommend using a multiple filter wheel (available from Orion)
to allow the filters to be changed without removing the camera and effecting
the focus.
You can also utilize other imaging filters, such as the Orion Extra Narrow Band
Hydrogen-Alpha filter (refer to “Narrowband Imaging”).