Trou blesh ootin g – Sylvania SDVD7045 User Manual

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Read all instructions before using

Do not use this prod uct near water.
Do not ceiling- or wa ll-mount the product.
Ins tall the p roduct in accorda nce with the ope rating in structions.
Do not set the produ ct near h eat sources, suc h as rad iators, h eat regis ters, sto ves, or o ther
app aratus ( including amplifi ers) that produce heat.
Pro tect the power co rd from being wa lked on or pinch ed, parti cularly a t plugs, c onvenie nce
rec eptacles , and the point w here the y exit the product.
Do not use attachme nts not recomme nded or sold by the prod uct manu facturer as a risk of fire,
ele ctrical sh ock, or s erious p ersonal injury m ay result .
Unplug the product during lig htning s torms or when unused for long pe riods of time.
Do not expo se the p roduct to dripping or spla shing wa ter. Do n ot place objects filled wi th liquid
(e.g ., vases ) on the product.
Do not place in or ex pose the produc t to direc t sunligh t, extrem e heat, humid or dusty lo cations .
Never operate this p roduct if it has a damage d power cord or p lug, is n ot workin g prope rly, has
bee n dropp ed, dama ged, or exposed to moisture, water, or oth er liquid s. Do no t attemp t to
exa mine or repair th is produ ct yourse lf; take the product to a s ervice c entre for inspecti on and
rep air.
Ke ep ma gnetic objec ts such as sp eaker s,at a distance from the p layer.

This set employs an optical la ser be am system in the C D mec hanism desi gned
with built-in safeguards . Do n ot atte mpt to disassemble. Exposure to this
invis ible la ser lig ht bea m may be ha rmful t o the human eye. T his is a Clas s-1
laser produ ct. Us e of controls , adjustment s or pr ocedu res other tha n thos e
spec ified h erein may re sult in hazar dous laser light beam exposure . This
compact disc pla yer should not be a djuste d or re paired by an yone e xcept
qual ified service personnel. T he las er mechanis m in th e set c orresponds to the
stylu s (nee dle) of a record pla yer. Althoug h this produc t uses a lase r pick -up
lens, it is completely sa fe whe n operated accord ing to directi ons.


NOTE: The man ufacturer is not r esponsi ble for any radio or TV int erferenc e caused by unauthorized

modifica tions. Such mod ifications could v oid the u ser's au thority to operate the equ ipment.
1) Operate turni ng contro ls and switches as instru cted in the manu al.
2) Befor e turning on the p ower for the firs t time,make sure that the power co rd is pro perly
installed .
3) Store your dis cs in a cool area to avoid damage from heat.

1). Never throw batteries into a fire. D o not expose batte ries to fire or other heat s ources .
2). Battery D isposal: Spent or discharged batterie s must be properly dispos ed of and

recycled in complianc e with all applicable laws. For detailed information, contact your
loc al solid waste authority.

Battery Handling and Usage

NOTE: This style player c ontain s rech argeable Li- ion battery . There is a CR 2025
battery for remote control.

Before requesting servic e for th is player, ch eck th e char t below for a possible cau se of t he
proble m you are experiencing. Some simple checks or a n adju stmen t on yo ur par t may
elimin atethe problem and resto re pro per op eration.

Trou blesh ootin g

Sym ptom( Comm on)

Rem edy

No power.

Insert t he AC adaptor securely in to the power outlet.

Th e picture will be somewh a t distorted a t times: this is
no rmal.

Picture is di storted durin g rapid
advance or rapid reverse .

No rapid adv ance or rapid
reverse play

Some discs may h ave section s which proh ibit rapid
adva nce (or rapid reverse.)

Pla y fails to s tart even when
PL AY is pressed.
Pla y starts bu t then sto ps
imm ediately.

Cond ensation ha s formed: wait about 1 to 2 hou rs
to allo w the play er to dry ou t.
This p layer cann ot play a d isc other th an DVD, V CD and


The d isc may be dirty and m ay require cleaning.
Ensu re that the d isc is inst alled with th e label sid e up.

No pi cture.

En sure that the equipment is connected properly.

No sound .
Dis torted sound .

En sure that th e equipment is connected properly.
En sure that th e input settin g for the TV a nd stereo
sy stem are co rrect.
Ad just the ma ster volume t o a suitable v olume by ro t ating
th e volume kn o b at the side of the playe r.

Disconnect the power adaptor a nd then reconnect it. (The
player may not be operating prop erly due to lightning, static
electricity or some other externa l factor.)

No key operation (by the main
unit an d /or the remote control
unit) is effective.

No operations can b e performed
with the remote cont ro l unit.

Check the batteries are installed with the correct polarities.
The batteries are exhausted: replace them with new ones.
Point remote control at the remote control senso r and
Operate the remote control unit at a distance of not
more than 6 m from the remote control sensor.
Remove the obstacles between the remote control and
remote control sensor.

To be con tinue d