Page 13

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Don’t overblend. The blender works in seconds, not minutes. Stop and check food

before blending again.

Gravy or sauce lumps

Pour gravy or sauce into a measuring cup. Then put


cup (125mL) back into

the blender container. Cover, Turn unit to HIGH and remove feeder cap. Gradually,

add the rest of the gravy or sauce. Blend until smooth.

Giblet gravy
Cook the giblets in water or broth. Cool to room temperature. Cut giblets in l-inch

(2.5cm) pieces. Put in blender container. Cover with cooled cooking liquid. Cover

container. Process 2 times at LOW. (If giblet pieces are still too large, process 1 or

2 additional times.)

Making butter
Pour 1 cup (250mL) sweet or sour heavy cream into blender container. Cover and

process at HIGH until butter forms.Tum unit OFF. Pour through a sieve to drain.

Put butter into small bowl. Press with a spatula to take out rest of liquid. Add salt

as you knead the butter. If you want herb butter, add 1 tablespoon (15mL) dried

herbs (parsley, tarragon, savory or a garlic clove) per cup (250mL) of cream.