Raymarine Radome Scanners User Manual

Page 7

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Important information


Display software version

For operation of your scanner, the display unit requires the appropriate
software version. These are:

E Series displays - Version 3.03 or later.

C Series displays - Version 3.01 or later.

The software version can be confirmed by switching on the display and
checking the version number during the magnetron warm-up sequence.
However, if a scanner is not connected to the display, the version number
will only be displayed for 10 seconds.


To register your new Raymarine product, please take a few minutes to fill
out the warranty card. It is important that you complete the owner infor-
mation and return the card to receive full warranty benefits. Alternatively
you can register your product on line at

Handbook information

The technical and graphical information contained in this handbook, to the
best of our knowledge, was correct as it went to press. However, our policy
of continuous improvement and updating may change product specifica-
tions without prior notice. As a result, unavoidable differences between the
product and handbook may occur from time to time.