Encoder module parameters setting, Figure 94 – RoboteQ Dual Channel Digital Motor Controller AX2550 User Manual
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AX1500 Motor Controller User’s Manual
Encoder Setting and Testing
With this utility, the following actions can be accomplished:
Set and program the Encoder module’s parameters in EEPROM
Activate the motors in each direction at variable speed
View the measured encoder counts
View the measured encoder speed
View the status of the Limit Switches
The screen is composed of the following buttons and displays:
1- Setting of the Encoder’s threshold level
2- Setting of the Time Base for speed computation
3- Setting Divider for computing relative distance
4- Measure and display speed and relative distance
5- Measure and display counter values
6- Detect and display optional limit switch status
7- Start/Stop communication with controller
8- Set motor speed and direction for testing
Encoder Module Parameters Setting
The Encoder module has four programmable parameters: Two Time Bases (one for each
encoder), a Divider for computing relative distance, and the voltage threshold for discern-
ing a 0 or 1 level at the encoder’s output. In the case of the AX1500, the threshold is fixed
at 2.5V and cannot be changed.
FIGURE 94. Encoder setup and test screen on Roborun