Roberts Radio MP-16CD User Manual
Page 8

Connecting loudspeakers
The loudspeakers should be connected using the cable supplied as shown. The two loudspeakers are identical. One loudspeaker should be placed
in front of and to the left of the normal listening position, and the other in front and to the right.
It is important for good bass reproduction and stereo location that both speakers are wired in the same phase with respect to the amplifi er outputs. This
can be done as follows. The red terminal on the back of the amplifi er marked R and and + should be connected to the red terminal of the right-hand
loudspeaker. The black terminal marked R and - should be connected to the black terminal of the right-hand loudspeaker. Using the other piece of
speaker cable, connect the terminals marked L + and L - to the red and black terminals of the left hand speaker. The cable supplied uses two different
colours of wire to help you make these connections. Use one colour for the red terminals and the other for the black.
The placement of the loudspeakers will depend upon the layout of the room. Location is not critical, but do not place them in direct sunlight or over
sources of heat such as radiators. Optimum sound quality will result if they are to be placed slightly away from any corners, and with each loudspeaker
an equal distance from the normal listening position and pointing towards the listener.