Using the cd player and radio, Using the radio, Skipping tracks – RCA TV/Radio/CD Player User Manual

Page 15: Station search, Setting a station

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Using the CD Player and Radio

chapter 2


Skipping Tracks

The LCD display window shows the current track and the elapsed playing time of that track. Use the FWD button to
go to the next track and the REV button to go to the previous track. Press and hold these for a quick search through
a track.

Using the Radio


Press the AM/FM mode button to put the unit in radio mode and to receive the FM radio signal. Press the button
again to receive the AM radio signal.


Check the LCD display window to see which radio signal you selected.

Station Search

The radio tunes to the last station it received. Press the TUNE up or down button to tune to the next available station.
Press and hold to scan quickly through the stations.

Setting a Station

If you want to set a radio station into the memory:


Select the station you want to set by using the TUNE up or down button.


Press the STORE button (MEMO flashes in the LCD display window).


Press RECALL to cycle through the preset stations.


Press STORE once you have chosen the location where you want to save the station. This station will be saved
until you reset the station.


Repeat steps 1 - 4 to store additional radio stations.


To access the stored stations, repeatedly press RECALL to cycle through the preset stations.