Blackberry 7290 User Manual
Page 120

about, 35, 43, 45
applying, 36, 44, 45
clearing all, 101
creating, 36, 43, 45
deleting, 36, 44, 45
viewing contacts by, 36
viewing memos by, 45
viewing tasks by, 44
cell broadcast messages
about, 10
enabling, 10
managing channels, 10
appointments, 40
bookmarks, 31
browser content type, 97
browser home page, 97
calendar views, 39
call block password, 24
date, 53
default calendar reminder, 40
email messages, 5
first day of week in calendar, 103
handheld password, 69
mailing list members, 35
meeting invitees, 41
meetings, 40
message recipients, 6
message status, 6
order of networks, 65
PIN messages, 5
SIM card security PIN code, 68
task status, 43
time, 53
editing; setting
charging battery, 61
checking voice mail, 22
all categories, 101
browser cache, 31
fields, 109
handheld data, 72
conference calls, 22
conflicts, with mailbox data, 91
adding, 35
adding from company address book, 36
adding to FDN list, 26
adding to messages, 5
allowing duplicate, 101
applying categories, 36
assigning speed dial, 23
calling, 21
categories, 35
clearing all categories, 101
creating categories, 36
deleting, 35
deleting categories, 36
editing, 35
frequently asked questions, 101
managing remote search results, 37
number of, 101
searching in remote address book, 36
SIM card, 67
sorting, 101
synchronizing, 15
viewing, 35
viewing by category, 36
address book
content compression
content protection
converting measurements, 49
network time, 53
passwords, 72
text, 19
corporate extension dialing, setting, 25
country codes, setting default, 25