Operating your air compressor – RIDGID GP90150A User Manual
Page 10

All lubricated compressor pumps dis-
charge some condensed water and oil
with the compressed air. Install appropri-
ate water/oil removal equipment and con-
trols as necessary for the intended appli-
Operating Your Air Compressor
Before starting the compressor,
thoroughly read all component
instruction manuals, especially
the engine manual.
Failure to install appropriate
water/oil removal equipment
may result in damage to
machinery or workpiece.
Drain liquid from tank daily.
Do not attach air tools to open
end of the hose until start-up is
completed and unit checks OK.
Moisture in Compressed Air
Moisture in compressed air will form into
droplets as it comes from an air compres-
sor pump. When humidity is high or when
a compressor is in continuous use for an
extended period of time, this moisture will
collect in the tank. When using a paint
spray or sandblast gun, this water will be
carried from the tank through the hose,
and out of the gun as droplets mixed with
the spray material.
IMPORTANT: This condensation will
cause water spots in a paint job, especial-
ly when spraying other than water based
paints. If sandblasting, it will cause the
sand to cake and clog the gun, rendering
it ineffective.
A filter in the air line, located as near to the
gun as possible, will help eliminate this