Radica Games HEARSAY G71029 User Manual
Radica Games Games

Model G71029
For 1-4 players / Ages 8 and up
P/N 82351900 Rev.A
Listen closely…what was that word? Now
it’s your turn! Put your memory to the test
and see if you can keep up with HearSay’s
tongue-twisting challenges. Play it by your-
self or with a group of friends—and hang in
there as long as you can! Good luck!
Off/Game Switch - Slide this switch up to
select Game 1, 2 or 3. This switch also turns
the unit on and off.
Start • Enter - Starts a game. Pressing this
button also locks in your selection.
Player # • Level - Scrolls through the
Number of Players (1–4) and Game Levels
Reset - Resets the game.
HearSay will say a word and ask you to
repeat it. (Remember to wait for the beep
before you repeat a word!). If you repeat a
word correctly, HearSay will add a new word
to the sequence. In multi-player mode, each
player will be asked to repeat the word
To turn the game on, slide the Off/Game
switch up and select:
Game 1 - HearSay (1-4 players) - Players
take turns repeating the word sequence.
Game 2 - Random HearSay (2-4 players) -
Players are called at random to repeat the
word sequence.
Game 3 - Team HearSay (2-4 players) -
Players collaborate to repeat the word
Once you have selected a game, HearSay will
ask you to “Choose a level.” To choose a
level, press the Player # • Level button to
scroll through the levels:
“Level One” - uses 3 of the 11 words to cre-
ate the sequences (pop, snap, fizz)
“Level Two” - uses 7 of the 11 words to cre-
ate the sequences (pop, snap, fizz, lumpy,
dusty, squishy, soggy)
“Level Three” - uses all 11 words to create
the sequences (pop, snap, fizz, lumpy, dusty,
squishy, soggy, enchilada, sarsaparilla, rutaba-
ga, alfalfa).
When you hear the level you’d like to play,
press the Start•Enter button to lock in your
Next, HearSay will ask “How many play-
ers?” To select the number of players, press
the Player # • Level button until you hear the
correct number of players. Press the
Start•Enter button to lock in your selection.
HearSay will confirm your selections: “You’re
playing Game One, Level One, One Player.”
In the single player mode, HearSay will say a
word and ask you to repeat it. Listen closely!
HearSay will say “Repeat after me: Fizz!
Now you say it.” Wait until you hear a beep
and then repeat the word: “Fizz!”
If you repeat the word correctly, HearSay will
add another word: “Repeat after me:
Fizz…Snap! Now you say it.” Wait for the
beep before repeating each word.
Example: Fizz, Snap, Enchilada, Squishy,
Snap - should be repeated as: (beep) Fizz,
(beep) Snap, (beep) Enchilada, (beep)
Squishy, (beep) Snap. You got it!
HearSay will continue adding words to the
sequence. When you make it to the end
without missing a word, you win by beating
your highest score.
In the multi-player mode, each player will be
asked to repeat a specific word or word
sequence. Listen closely.
HearSay will call on one of the players:
“Repeat after me: Lumpy! Now you say it,
Player Three.”
Player Three will wait for the beep and
repeat the word: “Lumpy!”
If the word is repeated correctly, HearSay
will call on the next player and add a new
word: “Repeat after me: Lumpy…Dusty!
Now you say it, Player One.”
Player One will wait for the beep and repeat
the word sequence.
The objective in multiplayer Games 1 & 2 is
to be the last one playing. If a player fails to
repeat the list, he/she is dropped from the
game while the remaining players continue.
The Winner is the last player left. Scores
are given for each player only as a refer-
Game 3 is a shared game. A score is given
to the team. However, players that fail to
repeat their word(s) are dropped from the
game. Please note: The third player must
wait until player 1 or player 2 has missed a
If you repeat a word correctly, HearSay will
congratulate you: “You got it!”
Pop Dusty Sarsparilla
Fizz Squishy
Snap Soggy Alfalfa
Lumpy Enchilada