Radica Games 74022 User Manual
Radica Games Games

Get off of the couch and into the game!
Whether you are hitting a home run or making a double play, Play TV Baseball 3
brings the fun and excitement of baseball into your living room! Pitch, bat and
play the field, just like the real thing!
To assemble your Play TV Baseball 3 bat please insert the soft bat tip into the
plastic handle until you hear a click.
Note: This is a one time assembly. To avoid damage please do not use
the bat without the soft tip attached.
On the back of the main unit, loosen the screw
on the battery compartment and insert four
(4) “AA” (LR6) batteries as indicated
inside the compartment (alkaline bat-
teries recommended). Replace
the battery compartment door.
NOTE: Batteries in the Main
Unit should give you about 10
hours of game play (if alkaline
batteries are used). The
game will not operate normal-
ly when the batteries begin to
run low. The screen may be
blurred and resetting the
game may not work. Be sure to install fresh batteries. There is also no
memory function. All game data will be erased when the power is turned
off or batteries are replaced.
On the bottom of the bat handle loosen the screws on the battery com-
partment. Insert two (2) “AA” (LR6) batteries, aligning the positive (+) and
negative (-) terminals as indicated. Insert the positive terminals facing
down. Replace the cover and tighten the screws.
NOTE: To connect Play TV Baseball 3 directly to a TV, the TV must be equipped
with audio and video input jacks. They are commonly found on the front of the
TV near the contrast, color and picture adjustment controls or on the rear of the
TV near the antenna and cable/satellite jacks.
If your TV does not have audio and video input jacks, you may connect
Play TV Baseball 3 through a VCR connected to your TV.
Please note: If your TV does not have AV Input Jacks, you can connect
your game through your VCR or use an RF Modulator. RF Modulators
can be purchased at most electronic stores.
To connect Play TV Baseball 3 to your VCR, insert the yellow video plug from
the Main Unit into the video-in (Yellow) jack on your VCR, the white audio plug
into the left audio-in (white) jack. Then set the VCR to the appropriate video
input mode (see your VCR’s operating manual for details).
POWER – Pressing the Power Button will turn Play TV Baseball 3 on or off.
DIRECTIONAL PAD – Used to navigate the menu screens. Press Enter
to make your selection.
ENTER – Used to make selections in menu screens.
A-BUTTON/ENTER – Use the A-Button/Enter in combination with the B-
Button and C-Button to perform certain pitches and to make menu selec-
B-BUTTON – Use the B-Button in combination with the A-Button and C-
Button to perform certain pitches.
C-BUTTON – Use the C-Button in combination with the A-Button and B-
Button to perform certain pitches.
DIRECTIONAL PAD – Use the directional pad to aim pitches, select
bases to throw to when fielding and to navigate menu screens.
THROWING – Make throwing motion when fielding and pitching.
SWING – Stand over the main console when swinging.
BUNT BUTTON – Use the bunt button in gameplay to bunt.
STEAL BUTTON – Use the steal button in gameplay to have a runner
steal a base.
RESET BUTTON – Press to reset bat.
WARNING: Make sure you place the Home Plate Console on the floor in
front of the TV, located far enough from the TV and any other objects or
people to avoid striking anything or anyone when you swing the bat.
IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: Before beginning game play, make sure to
place your bottom batting hand through the Safety Strap on the bottom of
the bat handle.
SWING AWAY – Take your stance over home plate and wait for the pitch.
Swing the bat to hit the pitch. The batter’s timing and force will deter-
mine direction and distance.
BUNTING – The batter must hold down the bunt key on the bat. This
can be done anytime; when the pitcher is standing on the mound, the
pitcher is in the windup, or after the ball has been pitched. A ball will
only be bunted if it passes through the strike zone.
STEALING BASES – At any stage of the pitching routine, the batter can
choose to have one of their runners attempt to steal a base. The batter
can make a runner steal by pressing the steal button on the bat.
Warning: When making the throwing motion, you must never let go of the
baseball. Doing so can damage the game, damage whatever it hits, or
injure whomever it hits.
PITCHING – The pitcher uses the directional pad to move the Ball Aim
Indicator on the screen. To pitch the ball, the player must make a throw-
ing motion while holding down a combination of the A, B, or C buttons.
The ball indicator will disappear and the pitcher will perform his wind-up
and throw. The type of pitch that the player throws will affect the ball’s
path through the air. There are seven (7) different pitches: Fastball,
Screwball, Knuckleball, Splitter, Slider, Changeup and Curve Ball.
FIELDING – Once the ball is fielded, select which base, by using the
directional pad on the ball, then make a throwing motion. The selected
level of difficulty will effect how fielding is performed: When “Minors” level
is selected, the game automatically throws to the best base. In “Majors”,
the player has to press (on the D-pad) the base that they want to throw
to. In “All-Stars”, the player has to press (on the D-pad) the base that
they want to throw to and make a throwing motion with the ball. You can
throw the ball several times in order to make double or triple plays.
If your Play TV Baseball 3 is connected to your TV, turn on the TV, then set the
TV to the appropriate video input mode (see set-up section of this manual). If
your Play TV Baseball is connected to your TV through a VCR, turn on the TV
and VCR, then set both the TV and VCR to the appropriate video input modes
(see set-up section of this manual). Next, turn on the power to your Play TV
Baseball by pressing the On/Off Button on the home plate console. After a brief
start-up animation, the Game Selection Menu will appear on the TV screen.
Using either the directional pad on the ball or on home plate, you will be
able to scroll through the menu options (Play Ball, Quick Start, Mini
Games, Options). The currently selected option will be highlighted.
Using the bat, the ball or the enter key (see button functions section of
this manual) to make your selection.
You can choose from 2 different modes of game-play: Full-game Mode
and Mini-game Mode. You will also be able to select the amount of play-
ers, teams, number of innings and batting stance.
• Choose # Players – 1 to 4 Players
• Select Home Team – Choose team by scrolling through a list of six-
teen (16) teams.
• Select Away Team – Choose team by scrolling through a list of sixteen
(16) teams.
• # of Innings – Choose 3, 6 or 9 innings.
• Batting Stance – Choose right handed or left handed.
Note: Pressing Left or Right will switch between the players, while
pressing Up and Down will toggle between a left-handed and right-
handed batting stance for the currently selected player.
PLAY BALL / FULL-GAME MODE – allows you to play a standard 9
inning full game of baseball with 1-4 players. You will be able to choose
your MLB city teams and what inning you wish to start in (1st, 4th, or
7th). You will be able to FIELD, STEAL bases, and BUNT.
QUICK START – In this mode, after choosing the number of players, a
full game will start with the following settings:
• Home and Away teams will be selected randomly
• All players will be assigned right-handed batting stance
• Choose Sides
o One Player = Home Team
o Two Players = 1P Home, 2P Away
MINI-GAMES MODE – allows you to choose from 2 different mini-games
to practice the different skills used in FULL-GAME Mode.
• Home Run Derby
In this mode, the player(s) will attempt to hit as many homeruns as pos-
sible before their turn ends. Each player is given 10 outs before their
turn is over. The player with the most home runs wins. The following
rules apply to Home Run Derby:
• Any hit that is not a home run is an out
• Any pitch that is swung at and missed will be considered an out
• If the player does not swing at a pitch, this will not be considered a
strike and will not be counted as an out
Note: When the current player gets their 10th out, the player can pass
the bat to the next player. When the next player is ready, they can
swing the bat to start their turn.
• Make the Play
In this mode, the player(s) will play as the fielding team and attempt to
make the correct play depending on where the ball is hit and how many
runners are on base. Before the ball is hit the following information is
given to the player:
• Which player is in the field, “Player 1”
• Number of runners on base
• Bases that are occupied by runners
• Number of outs
The player will pitch the ball (any pitch) and a computer controlled bat-
ter will hit the ball to a location in the field. The player will attempt to
throw the ball to the correct base or bases that best suit the current sit-
uation. After the play is finished, the play will be scored on the follow-
• 100 points per out
• 25 points will be deducted for throwing to the wrong base
(Note: this will also be deducted if the player misses the opportunity
for a double or triple play)
• 50 points will be deducted for any runner that scores
Difficulty Levels – From the main menu, the player can adjust the games
level of difficulty. Play TV baseball has 3 levels of difficulty:
• Minors: Fielding is done automatically, batting and pitching are EASY
• Majors: (default difficulty setting): The player has to press the correct
base (on D-pad) to field the ball, batting and pitching are MODERATE
• All-Stars: The player has to press the correct base (on D-pad) and
make a throwing motion to field the ball batting and pitching are
If a player’s controlled team is batting and they are playing against a
computer controlled team, then the screen will prompt the player to
“Swing the Bat to Begin”. When the player swings the bat, this indicates
Model 74022
For 1 to 4 players / Ages 8 and up
P/N 82392400 Rev.A
Bat Handle
Bat Tip