Frequently asked questions (faqs) – Rio Grande Games Antike 19 User Manual
Page 14

May nations make deals?
Yes. Nations can agree for example to crea-
te spheres of influence or make non-agression
pacts. However they cannot be forced to abide
by such agreements. There is no rule to enforce
compliance. The strength of an agreement de-
pends on intentions of each side.
May nations trade with each other?
No, nations may not trade, lend or give chips or
coins or other resources in any manner. Also, the
bank distributes only what nations are entitled to,
and gives no advances or credit.
What happens when the bank‘s or nations‘
supplies are exhausted?
With one exception, the bank or nation that runs
out of an item must simply continue without it.
If for example the bank has no more temples,
none can be built. If a nation has no more legions
in supply, it cannot set up new legions. The only
exception is when the bank runs out of coins.
In that case, the players have the choice of a
marble, iron, or gold unit as a substitute.
What does a nation do with gold when it
already has all eight know-hows?
The nation with all the know-hows can trade re-
sources with the bank at the rate of 2 for 1. So
it can, for example, trade 3 gold and 1 marble
units for 2 iron units, with which it can then set
up 2 military units.
Can legions be transported over water?
No. Legions and galleys must abide by the rules,
which permit them to cross only certain kinds of
borders. Just as galleys cannot move over land,
legions cannot be transported across water.
Can legions and galleys fight each other?
No. No direct fight between legions and galleys
is possible. However, in one case, that is, the
conquest of a city, legions and galleys can con-
front each other. For example, a city defended
only by legions can be conquered by galleys, and
vice versa.
When can a nation use its military units to
On these three occasions:
1. Nations performing a Phase 1 Movement Ma-
neuver can engage an enemy in the same pro-
vince in a mutual destruction battle at any time,
with similar units (legions or galleys) canceling
each other out on a one to one basis.
2. Nations not having a turn can engage an ene-
my in the same province in a mutual destruc-
tion battle immediately after the enemy enters
that province, with opposing legions and gal-
leys in the same province cancelling each other
out on a one to one basis.
3. Nations whose city is being conquered must
defend that city with all their military units (le-
gions and galleys) that are standing in that
city‘s province. Only in this special case (the
conquest of a city) can legions and galleys di-
rectly oppose each other.
In summary, a fight is not possible, unless a na-
tion selects the turn “maneuver”.
Can a city be conquered simply by the act of
foreign units entering its province?
No. Simple movement of an enemy into a provin-
ce is inadequate for that. For conquest, a Phase
2 conquest action is necessary.
Can military units attack more than once?
With a conquest, the life of a military unit involved
is immediately ended. Such units cannot conquer
twice, even if they have maneuver actions left
Can a city be attacked and not conquered?
No. As long as a city is not actually conquered,
it cannot be attacked. There is no such thing as
an unsuccessful conquest action.
For further questions visit us at www.eggert- or directly on the Antike website:
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11.07.2006 0:59:02 Uhr