Strategy tips – Rio Grande Games Antike 19 User Manual
Page 13

Know-hows: red: MONARCHY / yellow: ROADS and NAVIGATION
Yellow can conquer Attalia, but must follow an exact plan. First it must fight and eliminate two red legions
marked 1 and 2, in that order. Yellow‘s legions and galleys then proceed to Attalia, but on the way elimi-
nate one red galley. The remaining two yellow legions and 2 yellow galleys match the defense strength
of Attalia (4), and conquer the city.
Movement action
Conquest Action
Opening strategy
With starting resources of one iron, two marble,
and three gold units, all three of the following
opening strategies are reasonable.
Growth strategy: Play MARBLE, then TEMPLE.
To reach temple, pay one gold unit. Pay the bank
three marble units and two coins and receive a
temple, which triples the power of the city.
Military strategy: Play ARMING and pay one iron
unit and one coin to set up two military units.
Then play MANEUVER. Move both military
units. Immediately after the maneuver action,
pay one gold and one marble chip and one coin,
to found a city.
Progress strategy: Play GOLD, on the next turn
MARBLE, and on the third KNOW-HOW. For
four gold units and three coins buy a new basic
know-how, and in so doing win your first ancient
Supporting a conquest action
Military units that exhaust all their maneuvers to
reach a province can still help make a conquest.
This is done by battling military units that would
otherwise defend the city.
Know-hows aiding movement are impor-
Don‘t underestimate the advantage of securing
know-hows that facilitate movement. Consider
obtaining the basic know-hows WHEEL and
SAILING before you think of conquering cities.
Without these know-hows that facilitate move-
ment, a conquest can take a very high number
of turns.
How to win in the windup
In the final part of the game, if only ancient ge-
nerals remain to be won, all action should focus
on destroying temples. There is little point in con-
quering or defending cities that have no temples.
That only leads to needless loss of military units
which then cannot be used to conquer cities with
temples. Especially in this phase of the game,
know-hows that facilitate movement are impor-
tant. Huge armies achieve little when know-hows
that facilitate movement are lacking.
A well-aimed attack that ignores cities that have
no temples can decide the game faster than
expected. Whoever tries simply to expand his
empire will most likely lose against more expe-
rienced players.
Regel7_eng.indd 11
11.07.2006 0:58:56 Uhr