Raritan Computer CCA-0N-V5.1-E User Manual
Commandcenter secure gateway, Administrators guide, Release 5.1
Table of contents
Document Outline
- What's New in the CC-SG Administrators Guide
- Introduction
- Accessing CC-SG
- Getting Started
- Licensing - Getting Started - New and Existing Customers
- Licensing - Basic License Information
- Licensing - New Customers - Physical Appliance
- Licensing - Virtual Appliance with License Server
- Virtual Appliance Installation Requirements
- Download Installation Files
- Install License Server Software on a Linux or Windows Server
- Get Your License
- Copy the License File to the License Server
- Start the License Server
- Install CommandCenter Secure Gateway on VMware ESX Server 4.0
- Log in to Diagnostic Console to Set CC-SG IP Address
- Log in to CC-SG
- Install and Check Out Your License
- License Server Communication
- Command Line Utilities for Managing License Server
- Install or Upgrade VMware Tools
- Configure Backups and Snapshots of Virtual Appliance and Storage Servers
- Virtual Appliances with Remote Storage Servers
- Licensing - Limited Operation Before License Install
- Licensing - Existing Customers
- Licensing - Rehosting
- Add a License
- Confirming IP Address
- Setting CC-SG Server Time
- Checking the Compatibility Matrix
- Checking and Upgrading Application Versions
- Configuring CC-SG with Guided Setup
- Associations, Categories, and Elements
- Devices, Device Groups, and Ports
- Viewing Devices
- Searching for Devices
- Discovering Devices
- Adding a Device
- Editing a Device
- Change the HTTP and HTTPS Ports for a KX2 Device
- Editing a PowerStrip Device or a Dominion PX Device
- Adding Notes to a Device Profile
- Adding Location and Contacts to a Device Profile
- Deleting a Device
- Configuring Ports
- Editing a Port
- Deleting a Port
- Configuring a Blade Chassis Device Connected to KX2
- Restore Blade Servers Ports to Normal KX2 Ports
- Bulk Copying for Device Associations, Location and Contacts
- Configuring Analog KVM Switches Connected to KX2 2.3 or Higher
- Device Group Manager
- Adding Devices with CSV File Import
- Upgrading a Device
- Backing Up a Device Configuration
- Restoring Device Configurations
- Restore a Device Configuration (KX, KSX, KX101, SX, IP-Reach)
- Restore All Configuration Data Except Network Settings to a KX2, KSX2, or KX2-101 Device
- Restore Only Device Settings or User and User Group Data to a KX2, KSX2, or KX2-101 Device
- Restore All Configuration Data to a KX2, KSX2, or KX2-101 Device
- Save, Upload, and Delete Device Backup Files
- Copying Device Configuration
- Restarting a Device
- Pinging the Device
- Pausing CC-SG's Management of a Device
- Resuming Management of a Device
- Pause and Resume Management of Devices Using a Scheduled Task
- Device Power Manager
- Launching a Device's Administrative Page
- Disconnecting Users
- Special Access to Paragon II System Devices
- Managed Powerstrips
- Configuring Powerstrips that are Managed by Another Device in CC-SG
- Configuring PowerStrips Connected to KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, and P2SC
- Configuring PowerStrips Connected to SX 3.0 and KSX
- Configuring Powerstrips Connected to SX 3.1
- Configuring Outlets on a Powerstrip
- Nodes, Node Groups, and Interfaces
- Nodes and Interfaces Overview
- Viewing Nodes
- Service Accounts
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Nodes
- Adding Location and Contacts to a Node Profile
- Adding Notes to a Node Profile
- Configuring the Virtual Infrastructure in CC-SG
- Terminology for Virtual Infrastructure
- Virtual Nodes Overview
- Add a Control System with Virtual Hosts and Virtual Machines
- Add a Virtual Host with Virtual Machines
- Edit Control Systems, Virtual Hosts, and Virtual Machines
- Delete Control Systems and Virtual Hosts
- Delete a Virtual Machine Node
- Delete a Virtual Infrastructure
- vSphere 4 Users Must Install New Plug-In
- Synchronizing the Virtual Infrastructure with CC-SG
- Reboot or Force Reboot a Virtual Host Node
- Accessing the Virtual Topology View
- Connecting to a Node
- Pinging a Node
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Interfaces
- Add an Interface
- Interfaces for In-Band Connections
- Interfaces for Out-of-Band KVM, Out-of-Band Serial Connections
- Interfaces for DRAC Power Control Connections
- Interfaces for ILO Processor, Integrity ILO2 , and RSA Power Control Connections
- Interfaces for Managed Powerstrip Connections
- Interfaces for IPMI Power Control Connections
- Interfaces for Power IQ Proxy Power Control Connections
- Web Browser Interface
- Results of Adding an Interface
- Edit an Interface
- Delete an Interface
- Add an Interface
- Bookmarking an Interface
- Configuring Direct Port Access to a Node
- Bulk Copying for Node Associations, Location and Contacts
- Using Chat
- Adding Nodes with CSV File Import
- Editing IP Addresses with CSV File Import
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Node Groups
- Users and User Groups
- The Users Tab
- Default User Groups
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting User Groups
- Limit the Number of KVM Sessions per User
- Configuring Access Auditing for User Groups
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Users
- Assigning a User to a Group
- Deleting a User From a Group
- Adding Users with CSV File Import
- Your User Profile
- Logging Users Out
- Bulk Copying Users
- Policies for Access Control
- Custom Views for Devices and Nodes
- Remote Authentication
- Authentication and Authorization (AA) Overview
- Distinguished Names for LDAP and AD
- Specifying Modules for Authentication and Authorization
- Establishing Order of External AA Servers
- AD and CC-SG Overview
- Adding an AD Module to CC-SG
- Editing an AD Module
- Importing AD User Groups
- Synchronizing AD with CC-SG
- Renaming and Moving AD Groups
- About LDAP and CC-SG
- Add an LDAP (Netscape) Module to CC-SG
- About TACACS+ and CC-SG
- Add a TACACS+ Module
- About RADIUS and CC-SG
- Add a RADIUS Module
- Reports
- Using Reports
- Audit Trail Report
- Error Log Report
- Access Report
- Availability Report
- Active Users Report
- Locked Out Users Report
- All Users Data Report
- User Group Data Report
- Device Asset Report
- Device Group Data Report
- Query Port Report
- Node Asset Report
- Active Nodes Report
- Node Creation Report
- Node Group Data Report
- AD User Group Report
- Scheduled Reports
- Upgrade Device Firmware Report
- System Maintenance
- Maintenance Mode
- Entering Maintenance Mode
- Exiting Maintenance Mode
- Backing Up CC-SG
- Saving and Deleting Backup Files
- Restoring CC-SG
- Resetting CC-SG
- Restarting CC-SG
- Upgrading CC-SG
- Upgrading a Cluster
- Migrating a CC-SG Database
- CC-SG Shutdown
- Restarting CC-SG after Shutdown
- Powering Down CC-SG
- Ending CC-SG Session
- Advanced Administration
- Configuring a Message of the Day
- Configuring Applications for Accessing Nodes
- Configuring Default Applications
- Managing Device Firmware
- Configuring the CC-SG Network
- Configuring Logging Activity
- Configuring the CC-SG Server Time and Date
- Connection Modes: Direct and Proxy
- Device Settings
- Configuring Custom JRE Settings
- Configuring SNMP
- Configuring CC-SG Clusters
- Configuring a Neighborhood
- Security Manager
- Notification Manager
- Task Manager
- SSH Access to CC-SG
- Serial Admin Port
- Web Services API
- Diagnostic Console
- Accessing Diagnostic Console
- Status Console
- Administrator Console
- About Administrator Console
- Access Administrator Console
- Navigate Administrator Console
- Edit Diagnostic Console Configuration
- Edit Network Interfaces Configuration (Network Interfaces)
- Ping an IP Address
- Use Traceroute
- Edit Static Routes
- View Log Files in Diagnostic Console
- Restart CC-SG with Diagnostic Console
- Reboot CC-SG with Diagnostic Console
- Power Off CC-SG System from Diagnostic Console
- Reset CC Super-User Password with Diagnostic Console
- Reset CC-SG Factory Configuration
- Diagnostic Console Password Settings
- Diagnostic Console Account Configuration
- Configure Remote System Monitoring
- Display Historical Data Trending Reports
- Display RAID Status and Disk Utilization
- Perform Disk or RAID Tests
- Schedule Disk Tests
- Repair or Rebuild RAID Disks
- View Top Display with Diagnostic Console
- Display NTP Status
- Take a System Snapshot
- Change the Video Resolution for Diagnostic Console
- Power IQ Integration
- Specifications for V1 and E1
- CC-SG and Network Configuration
- Required Open Ports for CC-SG Networks: Executive Summary
- CC-SG Communication Channels
- CC-SG and Raritan Devices
- CC-SG Clustering
- Access to Infrastructure Services
- PC Clients to CC-SG
- PC Clients to Nodes
- CC-SG and Client for IPMI, iLO/RILOE, DRAC, RSA
- CC-SG and SNMP
- CC-SG Internal Ports
- CC-SG Access via NAT-enabled Firewall
- RDP Access to Nodes
- VNC Access to Nodes
- SSH Access to Nodes
- Remote System Monitoring Port
- User Group Privileges
- SNMP Traps
- CSV File Imports
- Troubleshooting
- Diagnostic Utilities
- Two-Factor Authentication
- FAQs
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Naming Conventions
- Diagnostic Console Bootup Messages
- Index