Licensing - virtual appliance with license server, Virtual appliance installation requirements, E 17) – Raritan Computer CCA-0N-V5.1-E User Manual
Page 35

Chapter 3: Getting Started
Licensing - Virtual Appliance with License Server
The CC-SG virtual appliance requires you to install a license server to
host your license. Raritan provides the license server software and tools
and a vendor daemon, which you install on a physical server. See
Virtual Appliance Installation Requirements
(on page 17).
If you are a new customer who has just purchased a virtual CC-SG
appliance, follow these instructions to ensure that you have your license
server installed and valid licenses activated.
Virtual Appliance Installation Requirements
ESX 4.0 to deploy the CommandCenter Secure Gateway virtual
Must have a datastore with 40GB minimum available
Must have 2GB memory available
2 virtual NICs
A high availability cluster with shared storage is recommended
Client computer running vSphere Client 4.0
A physical Windows or Linux server, to host the Flexera
license server, and a supported OS
Flexera's lmgrd utility is supported on:
Windows 32-bit, x86 on Windows Server 2008, Windows Server
2003, Windows XP Professional with SP3, Windows Vista
(Ultimate), Windows 7 (Ultimate)
Linux 32-bit Linux Standard Base (LSB) 3.0 Certified, x86 on Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 and 5.0
The following files, which are available at
Download Installation Files
(on page 18) for details.
CommandCenter Secure Gateway Virtual Appliance .OVF file
Raritan vendor daemon file
Flexera FlexNet Publisher license server