Raritan Computer CCA-0N-V5.1-E User Manual
Page 331

Chapter 16: Diagnostic Console
3. Click with the mouse or use the arrow keys to navigate and press the
Space bar to select a log file, marking it with an X. You can view
more than one log file at a time.
To sort the Logfiles to View list:
The Sort Logfile list by options control the order in which logfiles are
displayed in the Logfile to View list.
Individual Windows
Display the selected logs in separate sub-windows.
Merged Windows
Merge the selected logs into one display window.
Initial Buffer
Sets initial buffer or history size. 5000 is default. This system
is configured to buffer all the new information that comes
Remember Selected Items
If this box is checked, the current logfile selections (if any) will
be remembered. Otherwise, selection is reset each time a
new Logfile list is generated. This is useful if you want to step
thorough files.
Use Default Color Scheme
If this box is checked, some of the logfiles will be viewed with
a standard color scheme. Note: multitail commands can be
used to change the color scheme once the logfile(s) are
being viewed.
Use Default Filters
If this box is checked, some of the logfiles will have automatic
filters applied.
This option packages up all the selected logfiles and makes
them available via Web access so that they can be retrieved
and forwarded to Raritan Technical Support. Access to the