Ramsey Electronics FM10A User Manual
Page 9

SOLDER ALL wires or pins of the part, whether the two wires of a
resistor or the 18 pins of an IC socket.
Nip or "trim" all excess wires extending beyond each solder
connection, taking care that wire trimmings do not become lodged in
PC board solder connections.
Enough said. . . Let's get building!
1. Install S1, the DPDT push-button switch. It fits correctly only one way.
Ensure that the white plastic switch extends out over the edge of the
printed circuit board. Solder all six pins.
2. Install J1, the Right Channel input jack. Solder all 4 points of the jack
3. Install J2, the Left Channel input jack. Solder all 4 points of the jack
4. Install J3, the RF output (antenna) jack. Solder all 4 points of the jack
5. Install J4, the 2.5 mm phone jack (external DC input). Solder all 3
6. Install the 18-pin DIP socket supplied with your kit. There is no right
or wrong direction to this socket, but the U1 IC itself certainly needs to
be inserted correctly (later). Taking care of this socket early in the
project will help you with positioning additional parts and will fine-tune
your soldering technique. Before soldering, make sure the socket body
is flush against the PC board, and that all 18 pins have been inserted.
Solder all 18 pins and then CAREFULLY check to ensure you have not
caused any "solder bridges" between pins.
7. Now that the IC socket has your prime attention, carefully insert the
FM transmitter IC (U1) into the socket, taking gentle care that ALL 18
pins get into their proper holes. The orientation of the notched end, as
shown on the Parts Layout Diagram is critically important.
Progress Note: The preceding steps have secured a sufficient number of
components to your PC board to make general orientation around the board
much clearer for installing additional parts. Further parts will be installed in
three phases or groupings.