Ramsey Electronics FM10A User Manual
Page 6

4 10 pf disc capacitor (marked 10 or 10K) (C7,8,14,15)
1 18 pf disc capacitor (marked 18) (C16, see note below)
1 22 pf disc capacitor (marked 22) (C16, see note below)
1 27 pf disc capacitor (marked 27) (C16, see note below)
NOTE: Selecting 18, 22 or 27 pf for C16, establishes the FM-band
frequency adjustment range. See “Choosing an Operating
1 220 pf disc capacitor (marked 220 or 221) (C9)
8 .001 µF disc capacitor (marked .001 or 102 or 1 nf)
2 .0047uF disc capacitors (marked 472) (C1,4)
4 4.7 to 10 µF electrolytic capacitors (C2,3,5,11)
1 470 µF electrolytic capacitor (C19)
1 1000
µF electrolytic capacitor (C22)
2 270 ohm [red-violet-brown] (R9,R13)
1 470 ohm [yellow-violet-brown] (R8)
1 4.7K ohm [yellow-violet-red] (R11)
3 10K ohm [brown-black-orange] (R3,R6,R10)
2 15K ohm [brown-green-orange] (R3,R6)
1 150K ohm [brown-green-yellow] (R12)
1 100K yellow trimmer potentiometer (marked 104) (R7)
2 1K yellow trimmer potentiometer (marked 102) (R1,R4)
3 Glass bead diodes (similar to 1N4148) (D1,2,3)
1 2SC2498 or 2570 NPN VHF transistor (Q1)
1 18-pin DIP Custom FM Transmitter integrated circuit (U1) with
matching socket
1 38 KHz crystal (small silver cylindrical "can" with 2 small leads), taped
to a piece of paper.
1 Shielded inductor coil (L1) (small square silver “can”)
1 Ramsey FM10A Printed circuit board
1 Plastic alignment screwdriver
1 PC board mounted push-button switch
3 RCA-type PC-mount jacks (J1,2,3)
1 2.5 mm phone jack (J4)
1 9-volt battery hold-down clamp
1 9-volt battery snap connector