Ramsey Electronics FT146 User Manual
2 meter fm 5 watt transmitter kit, Ramsey electronics model no. ft146

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Ramsey Electronics Model No. FT146
Direct, true FM for excellent voice and data quality.
Both Data and mike audio inputs
Solid 5 watt RF output - add our PA-146 for 40 watts
Crystal controlled with 146.52 MHz crystal included
Built-in test points for easy tune-up. Align with any
digital multimeter - tuning tool included, too!
Runs on 12 - 14 Volts DC at less than 1 amp
Easy assembly and hook-up
Informative manual answers questions on theory, hook-
ups and uses - enhances resale value, too!
Add our case set for a finished 'Pro' look. Cases match
all Ramsey products
Clear, concise assembly instruction carefully guides
you to a finished kit that works the FIRST time!
Here's a simple hard-working transmitter that's ideal for
repeaters, Fox-hunts, remote bases, Packet - you name it! Why
tie up a whole transceiver to just use the transmitter? Fun and
educational to build - you'll be on-the-air in an evening!