Calculate your battery requirements, Need further information – ResMed Compact Bilevel Device VPAP Auto User Manual
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Global leaders in sleep and respiratory medicine
Calculate your battery requirements
1. Inverter or converter?
Using a HumidAire 3i with VPAP Auto:
Inverter only
Converter or inverter
2. What is my VPAP Auto’s current draw?
Table B shows the current draw with a 12V battery.
The current draw is halved with a 24V battery.
(VAuto) AutoSet Pressure:
...... cm H
(VAuto) Pressure Support: ...... cm H
Current draw:
...... amps
3. VPAP Auto used for ....
...... hours
4. Battery capacity
Use your values from (2) and (3) to calculate:
...... amps x ........ hours x 1.5 = ...... amp-hours
(Current x usage hours x safety margin)
This ‘amp-hours’ value is the battery capacity we
recommend to run your VPAP Auto.
Need further information?
If you would like more information about
powering your VPAP Auto with a battery,
please contact your ResMed representative.
268159 VPAP Auto battery guide.qxp 7/12/2007 6:29 PM Page 2