Blackberry RIM Wireless Handhelds 5810 User Manual
Page 67

Placing emergency calls
Getting Started Guide
To place emergency calls when your
handheld is locked
1. Click the trackwheel. A dialog box appears with the message
Device is locked.
2. Click Emergency Call. Another dialog box appears that
prompts you to confirm that you want to place the emergency
3. Click Yes.
4. Type a recognized emergency phone number and click the
Your handheld dials the emergency phone number.
Warning: This feature is reserved for emergency calls ONLY. Only
recognized emergency numbers (such as 911 or 112) are accepted
when your handheld is locked.
Note: When you have a password enabled on your handheld and your
SIM card is removed, your handheld locks. Roll the trackwheel. The
Device is locked dialg box appears. Click Emergency Call to dial the
emergency phone number.
If your handheld radio is turned off when you attempt to place an
emergency call, the radio is turned on automatically and the call is