Renesas H8/38099 User Manual

Page 3

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26. Select the Debug build configuration in the left hand drop

down list on the toolbar.

27. Click on the “Build” icon to compile, assemble and link the project.

4. Programming and Debug

28. Ensure the “SessionH8_Tiny_SLP_E8a_SYSTEM_300H”

session in the right hand drop down list on the toolbar is

29. Click the button on the debug toolbar.

30. The “Emulator Setting” dialog will be shown. Select

the correct device type (e.g. H8/38099F for

31. Select “Erase Flash and Connect”.
32. If the E8a is to provide power to the CPU board,

select “Power Target from Emulator” and choose the
“5.0V” option.

Otherwise connect a 5V center positive supply.

33. Click .

34. The first time the E8a is used a warning message box “Please choose driver” will be shown. Click .

Otherwise skip to step 38.

35. The “Driver Details” dialog will be shown. Select

“Renesas Communications”.

36. After a short delay while the hardware is interrogated,

select “USB Interface”. The channel number will vary.

37. Click .

38. Accept any dialog warning that an older version of E8a firmware is necessary to work with the application. Allow

download of firmware to complete, this may take several seconds.