Safety precautions – RedMax HBZ2500 User Manual
Page 6

• Keep operation area clear of all persons,
particularly small children and pets. Injury
may result from flying debris.
• Avoid using the blower where stable footing
and balance are not assured.
• Never touch the spark plug or plug cord
while the engine is in operation. Doing so
may result in being subjected to an
electrical shock.
• Never touch the muffler, spark plug, or
other metallic parts of the engine while the
engine is in operation or immediately after
shutting down the engine. These metallic
parts reach high temperatures during
operation and doing so could result in
serious burns.
Check and follow the local regulations
as to sound level and hours of
operations for blower.
• In general, operate blowers between
8a.m.and 5p.m.on week day and
5p.m.weekends. Avoid using blower late at
night and/or early in the morning.
• Loosen compacted leaves, grass or debris
with a rake or broom beforehand, so that
the lowest possible throttle setting would
get the job done.
• In dusty conditions, slightly dampen
surfaces or use mister attachement when
water is available.
• Check if the air filter, air intakes and muffler
are working in properly.
• Never use more than one unit of the blower
at a time.
• Avoid directing the blower nozzle toward
persons, pets, cars, windows or anything
that could be harmed by blowing debris or
• Keep the nozzle at full extension when
operating so as to make the air stream
close to the ground.
• Collect any trash and leaves and put them
into a proper container after the job is
• Always check to be sure that no debris has
been blown onto someone else’s property.
Safety Precautions