Radica Games i5008 User Manual
Addicting and perplexing, Buttons and features, Battery installation

Addicting and perplexing!
So you think you’re good at Solitaire, huh? If
so, then you’ve never played FreeCell. This
game takes the basic principals of Solitaire to
the next level and beyond! Simply separate a
deck of cards into its four suits, lowest to
highest. Sound simple enough? Well, after a
few rounds of FreeCell, you’ll wish you had
more than just four Free Cells to work with!
NEW GAME - Press and hold this button to
begin a new game before and during a run-
ning game.
SOUND - This adjusts the game’s sound. This
mutes the sound on and off
WIN % - Press this button to display the per-
centage of wins in a session of play.
REPLAY - Press and hold this button to replay
the game just played (dealt in the same lay-
RESET - When a blunt point is inserted, this
button resets the game to its original settings
and erases the current game and percent-
ages. A paperclip is recommended for this
ON / DEAL – This turns the game on or
wakes it from “sleep mode.” This also deals
the cards after NEW GAME or REPLAY is
pressed. During a game, press this button to
instantly scroll to the bottom of the screen.
UP and DOWN ARROWS - Use these to
scroll up and down the cards.
CARD BUTTONS - Press one of these but-
tons to select a card or cards in the column
directly above it.
HOME CELLS BUTTON - Press to send a
selected card directly to a Home Cell
FREE CELLS BUTTON - Press to send a
selected card directly to a Free Cell
HOME CELLS - These four cells are where
you will place each suit in order of Ace to
FREE CELLS - These are placeholders to
where you can temporarily move cards.
SLEEP MODE - After 120 seconds of inactivi-
ty, the game will automatically shut down,
going into “sleep mode”. To turn it on again,
simply press the ON / DEAL button.
AUTO BACK LIGHT - Your Solitaire game is
equipped with an auto-backlight feature. This
allows you to play your favorite game in the
dark! After you turn your game on, or at any-
time while you are playing your game, if your
lighting conditions become dim, your screen
will automatically illuminate! Don't worry if
you set the game down, when the game goes
to sleep - the light will also automatically turn
This game is powered by two (2) AA (LR6) bat-
• Using a screwdriver, loosen the screw until
the battery compartment door can be
• Insert two (2) AA (LR6) batteries. (we recom-
mend alkaline) as indicated inside the bat-
tery compartment.
• Replace the battery compartment door and
tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not
• As with all small batteries, the batteries
used with this device should be kept
away from small children who might still
put things in their mouths. If a battery is
swallowed, consult a physician immedi-
• Be sure you insert the battery correctly
and always follow the device and battery
manufacturer’s instructions.
• Do not dispose of batteries in fire.
• Batteries might leak if improperly
installed, or explode if recharged, disas-
sembled or heated.
FreeCell is a Solitaire type game played with
all 52 playing cards dealt face up. The object
of the game is to divide all the cards into their
four suits: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and
Spades. The four suits should be “stacked”
onto the Home Cells in order from Ace (being
the lowest) to King (being the highest).
The four Free Cells on the top left are used for
EXAMPLE: The Ace of Spades is in a Home
Cell. At the bottom of one of the columns is a
3 of Spades with a 2 of Spades right behind it.
You may move the 3 of Spades to a Free Cell
in order to free up the 2 of Spades. Once the
2 of Spades is placed on the Ace of Spades,
you can then place the 3 of Spades on top of
the 2 of Spades.
Remember, the object of the game is to move
all cards to the Home Cells using one of the
three legal moves. The game is lost when
there are no more legal moves left to play.
HINT: Before making your first move, keep an
eye open for trouble areas such as aces at the
tops of columns or low cards stacked behind
high cards.
If the game is lost, it can be replayed without
affecting your win percentage by pressing the
REPLAY button then the ON / DEAL button.
The cards will be dealt in exactly the same
order as before.
1. You can move any card from the bottom of
a column to an empty Free Cell.
HINT: Keep your Free Cells empty as much as
possible; you’ll always need them. Empty
columns are very useful as well.
2. You can move any card from a Free Cell or
from the bottom of a column to a home cell if
it is the next highest card than the card found
in that home cell and it’s in the same suit.
EXAMPLE: You can move an 9 of diamonds
onto a 8 of diamonds in a home cell.
At the end of each move, the game will auto-
matically transfer all unneeded cards into
home cells (Unneeded cards are determined if
there are no lower ranking cards of the oppo-
site color left in the playing area).
Aces can always be moved into an empty
home cell. Aces and 2’s are automatically
moved to the Home Cells if they are at the
bottom of a column
3. You can move a card from a Free Cell or
from the bottom of a column to the bottom of
another column as long as the rank of the
card is one less than the rank of the card you
will place it on and its color is different.
For 1 player / Ages 8 and up
P/N 82389300 Rev.C
New Game
Down Buttons
8 Card
Up Buttons
Win %
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