Raritan Computer Switch User Manual

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MasterConsole IP - Frequently Asked Questions

©Copyright Raritan Computer, Inc. 2005

Page 3 of 4

Rev. October 4, 2005



What software do I have to
install in order to access
MasterConsole IP from a
particular workstation?

None. The MasterConsole IP can be accessed via any Java-enabled Web

What should I do to prepare a
server for connection to
MasterConsole IP?

Servers connect to MasterConsole IP directly via hardware to their
keyboard, video and mouse ports. They require no software agents to be
installed. For best mouse synchronization during remote connections,
however, mouse settings (principally, the “acceleration” setting) must be
configured as instructed in the MasterConsole IP manual.

What types of servers can be
connected to MasterConsole

MasterConsole IP is completely vendor independent. Any server with
keyboard, video and mouse ports can be connected to the MasterConsole

How do I connect servers to
MasterConsole IP?

Simply plug the included KVM cables into the MasterConsole IP at one
end and to the keyboard, video and mouse connections of your server on
the other.

How far can my servers be
from MasterConsole IP?

Servers can be up to 30 feet away from MasterConsole IP.

Are there any agents that
must be installed on servers
connected to MasterConsole

Servers connected to MasterConsole IP do not require any software
agents to be installed, because MasterConsole IP connects directly via
hardware to servers’ keyboard, video and mouse ports.

How many servers can be
connected to each
MasterConsole IP unit?

The MCIP116 supports up to 16 servers. The MCIP18 supports up to
eight servers.

Can I access my servers
directly from the rack?

Yes. In addition to Web-based access, MasterConsole IP provides at the
rack access just like a traditional KVM switch – allowing you to control
up to 16 servers using a single keyboard, monitor and mouse.

When I am using the local
port, do I prevent other users
from accessing servers

No. The MasterConsole IP local port allows local access to the servers
without preventing other users from accessing remotely. However, a
remote user with administrative rights may log in with exclusive access,
so other remote users are not allowed to access at the same time. Also,
only one user at a time can control the keyboard and mouse. The local
user may always access the device.

How do I select between
servers while using the local
port? Is there an On-Screen
Display (OSD)?

Yes. At-the-rack users choose a server from an on-screen display (OSD)

How do I ensure that only
authorized users can access
servers from the local port?

MasterConsole IP administrators may set password protection for local

Can I connect multiple
MasterConsole IP devices
together into one solution?

No. The MasterConsole IP is a stand-alone product.