The wireless tab – Network Computing Devices Wireless Ethernet Adapter GW-EN11H User Manual
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GeoWave GW-EN11H Wireless Ethernet Adapter User's Manual
The Wireless Tab
Operating Mode: lets you select the
network scenarios, either Ad-Hoc or
Infrastructure. Default setting is
SSID: lets you set the Service Set
Default SSID is “Any”. When set to
any, the adapter is allowed access to
any nearby AP.
Channel: enables you to select a
transmission channel.
Transmission Rate: displays a list
of transfer rates.
Access point density: enables you
to set the relative number of access
points near the GW-EN11H. Use this
setting to reduce channel overlap
and interference:
• Low: 1-2 nearby APs
• Medium: 3-4 nearby APs
• High: 5 or more nearby APs
When connected in an infrastructure
or ad-hoc mode, a list of nearby APs
or peers is displayed at the bottom of
the Info screen. When you re-load
the web page, the list will be
WEP enabled: Allows you to enable
or disable Wired Equivalency Privacy
(WEP) for encryption, with either 64-
or 128-bit encryption.
WEP key length: Enables you to
choose either a 64- or 128-bit
encryption scheme. Be sure that
the adapter’s WEP key must be the
same as the AP’s, otherwise adapter
still can not communicate with
wireless LAN.
Note: Some APs do not support 128-bit