NCT Group NCT 990T User Manual
Page 85

Automatic Mode
executed on the transmitter side. Program dnc-plus.exe can be executed on IBM PC or on a
compatible computer. It ensures connection between transmitter and receiver with protocol. Its
advantage over simple DNC connection is that it calculates the checksum by each program
block and sends it to control. If the receiver detects an error, it asks for repetition and the
transmitter sends the block again. Of this, the operator notices nothing what so ever, for it
proceeds automatically. Contrary to simple DNC connection this method makes data transfer
very safe, the possibility of mistaking (i.e., control receives false command due to error in data
transfer channel) is minimal.
If the option FEW (Floppy Ethernet Winchester) is integrated into the control that is really an
integrated PC (Personal Computer), then also action DNC FEW can be selected. Then
program execution happens from the PC.
The programs sent in DNC must meet the following requirements:
– no divergence command can be used in main program (i.e. in the program, which is
transmitted from external device), such as GOTO or M99 Pnnnn,
– subprogram or macro call is possible with the restriction that the subprogram or macro
program must be in the control memory, it cannot be on external device.
Machining Start and Stop
The machining starts with the START button and stops with the STOP button in effect. If no
program is selected for execution in automatic mode, and control is not in DNC state, the error
message NOT EXISTING PROGRAM is displayed when starting automatic mode.