NCT Group NCT 990T User Manual
Page 36

. This bar selects the offset register to be modified.
Actions of TOOL OFFSETS Screen
Actions executed on TOOL OFFSETS screen overwrite offset registers instantly, however it is
registered by the program under execution only if the program has been started from the
beginning or the program execution is interrupted (INTD state) and restarted. So the current
offset is overwritten in vain, the modified value will not be registered till the modified values
are not called by the system. It also follows, that hasty overwrite of offsets during program
execution will not cause an immediate problem, its effect may only be perceptible in case of the
next running of the program, so when modifying be extremely cautious.
The following actions and action menus can be activated to the TOOL OFFSETS screen by
pressing action menu key
Clear all
group 4
Ofs No
search 7
Clear All Action Menu: When pressing the key the question CLEAR ALL? can be read in
the bottom left part of general displaying area, together with Exec and Cancel actions
in menu bar, the meaning of which is the usual.
Clear Geometry Action Menu: When pressing the key the question CLEAR ALL
GEOMETRIES? can be seen in the bottom left part of general displaying area,
together with Exec and Cancel actions in menu bar, the meaning of which is the usual.
Clear Wear Action Menu: When pressing the key the question CLEAR ALL WEARS? can
be seen in the bottom left part of general displaying area, together with Exec and
Cancel actions in menu bar, the meaning of which is the usual.
Clear Group Action Menu: When pressing the key the question CLEAR THIS GROUP?
can be seen in the bottom left part of general displaying area, together with Exec and
Cancel actions in menu bar, the meaning of which is the usual.
I Action: The key enables switching of I (incremental) operator on and off on the current
address letter. During the execution letter I appears directly after the coordinate
address. The value entered will be added to the original offset.
/2 Action: It halves value written on the current address letter. After execution half of the
value in the coordinate address can be seen.
Offset Number Search Action: When pressing address N occurs in bottom data input line.
After the value has been entered and terminated (by any of the arrow keys) it searches
for the entered offset group in the memory.
Save Action: When pressing the key an O program number can be entered into the bottom
data input line. In case the input is terminated by any of the keys
, the
program can also be named there. As the effect of keys
the offset
values are saved in the appropriate macro variable. If in such way saved offset values
need to be reset, the program must be selected for automatic execution and executed in
automatic operation.