NCT Group NCT 990T User Manual
NCT Group Tools
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- 1 Operator’s Panel
- 2 General Operating Knowledge .
- 3 General Displaying Areas and Actions Executed on Them .
- 3.1 POSITION Screens
- 3.2 CHECK Screens
- 3.3 PROGRAM Screens .
- 3.4 OFFSETS Screens
- 3.6 SETTING Screens .
- 3.6.1 Screen of LOCAL MACRO VARIABLES . .
- 3.6.2 Screen of COMMON MACRO VARIABLES #100–#199 .
- 3.6.3 Screen of COMMON MACRO VARIABLES #500–#599
- 3.6.4 TIMER AND COUNTER Screen . .
- 3.6.5 TOOL POT TABLE Screen . .
- 3.6.6 PLC TABLE Screen .
- 3.6.7 USER’S PARAMETERS Screen (User’s Params) . .
- 3.6.8 SECURITY PANEL Screen
- 4 Editing Part Programs
- 4.1 Structure of Part Program
- 4.2 Division of EDIT Screen during Editing
- 4.3 Basic Editing Functions: Typing, Cursor Moving, Delete, Insert, Select
- 4.4 Editor Action Menu . .
- 4.5 File Actions: Save, Save as
- 4.6 Edit Actions: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find and Replace
- 4.7 Insert Actions . .
- 4.8 Actions of Window
- 4.9 Help . .
- 5 Switching Over Operation Modes
- 6 Manual Operation Modes
- 7 Actions Executed in Manual Operation Modes .
- 8 Modes of Automatic Operation
- 9 Override Switches
- 10 Program Execution Start and Stop .
- 11 Intervention in the Course of Program Execution . . .
- 12 Debugging the Part Program
- 13 Interruption and Restart of Automatic Operation
- 13.1 Interruption of Automatic Operation
- 13.2 Restart of the Automatic Operation. Modal Information.
- 13.3 Unconditional Restart of Automatic Operation . .
- 13.4 Automatic Operation Restart with BLOCK RESTART Condition
- 13.5 Automatic Mode Restart with BLOCK RETURN Condition
- 13.6 Automatic Operation Start after Block Search . .
- 14 Listing of Messages and their Codes
- Notes
- Alphabetical index