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February 2005
Export Restrictions
This product or software contains encryption code which may not be exported or transferred from the US or Canada
without an approved US Department of Commerce export license.
Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference
This digital apparatus (NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PC Card WPN511) does not exceed the Class B limits for
radio-noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian
Department of Communications.
Canada ID: 4054A-WG51TV13
Product and Publication Details
Model Number:
W P N 5 1 1
Publication Date:
F e b ru a ry 2 005
Product Family:
wire le ss a cce ss p oin t
Product Name:
N E T G E A R R a n ge M a x™ W ire le ss P C C a rd W P N 5 1 1
Home or Business Product:
H om e
E n glish
Publication Part Number:
2 02 -1 007 7 -01