NetComm NB750 User Manual
Nb750, Port load balancing router

2-Port Load Balancing Router
Bandwidth Control E-mail Alerts DoS Firewall
NetComm’s NB750 Load Balancing Router is a next generation
Broadband hardware device aimed at improving the reliability and speed
of Internet services. By combining the performance of two broadband
connections in a single, easy to manage network gateway the NB750
shapes your Internet services and allows you to manage them with the
minimum of fuss.
Along with gateway security, the NetComm NB750 allows you to
determine how your Internet traffic is shared or it can automatically
balance the load according to bandwidth usage level. An added bonus
is continuous Internet connection: should any WAN connection drop out,
the NB750 will maintain Internet services by automatically routing data to
the active connection.
The NB750 provides one LAN port which allows the unit to be connected
either directly to a Desktop PC or to a switch for Network use.
2 x WAN Ports
Outbound traffic shaping – 3 modes: session, weight round robin and dynamic traffic
3 working modes – Router, Gateway and Basic NAT
VPN passthrough
Advanced DoS Firewall
Mail Alerts and System Logging
Web based GUI