Chapter 2, Administration setup – NEC P/N 0893416 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Administration Setup


Aspire Conference Bridge User Guide

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
DeÞne the network address of the SMTP server to be used.

Outgoing Mail Server Port
DeÞne the SMTP server port. This normally is set to 25.

Server Requires Authentication
When this is checked, the SMTP server requires messages sent to it to be authenticated to an account.

Authentication User Name
DeÞne the user name to use for the authentication.

Authentication Password
DeÞne the password to use for the authentication.

This must be entered every time the Email conÞguration is modiÞed when authentication is used.

From Email Address
DeÞne the Email address displayed in the From Þeld on notiÞcations sent from the Aspire Conference
Bridge PCB.

Enter the subject line of the notiÞcations sent from the Aspire Conference Bridge PCB.

Message Introduction
Enter the introduction that is printed before the conference details.

Message Conclusion
Enter the conclusion that is printed at the end of the Email address.

Upon clicking


, a page is provided where the installer may send a test Email to the speciÞed


address to

verify that the Email settings are correct.