Scan for gpib instruments, Instruments not found, Too many listeners on the gpib – National Instruments NI-488.2 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Measurement & Automation Explorer (Windows)

© National Instruments Corporation


NI-488.2 User Manual

Scan for GPIB Instruments

To scan for instruments connected to your GPIB interface or to add a new
instrument to your system, complete the following steps:


Make sure that your instrument is powered on and connected to your
GPIB interface.


Start Measurement & Automation Explorer as described in the

Starting Measurement & Automation Explorer



Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking the + next
to the folder.


Right-click on your GPIB interface and select Scan for Instruments
from the drop-down menu that appears.

Measurement & Automation Explorer displays the connected
instruments in the right window pane.

Instruments Not Found

If Measurement & Automation Explorer reports that it did not find any
instruments, make sure that your GPIB instruments are powered on and
properly connected to the GPIB interface with a GPIB cable. Then, scan for
instruments again, as described in the Scan for GPIB Instruments section.

Too Many Listeners on the GPIB

If Measurement & Automation Explorer reports that it found too many
Listeners on the GPIB, refer to the following possible solutions:

If you have a running GPIB Analyzer with the GPIB handshake option
enabled, disable the GPIB handshake option in the GPIB Analyzer.

If you have a GPIB extender in your system, Measurement &
Automation Explorer cannot detect any instruments connected to
your GPIB interface. Instead, you can verify communication with
your instruments using the Interactive Control utility. To do so,
select Tools»NI-488.2»Interactive Control. For more
information about verifying instrument communication, type


at the Interactive Control command prompt.