Check your voicemail – Nokia 311 User Manual

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Check your voicemail

Did you let your calls go to voicemail when you couldn't answer?

Listen to the messages people have left you at a convenient time.
Set up your voicemail

To use voicemail, you may need to subscribe to the service. For more

info on this network service, contact your network service provider.
Before using your voice mailbox, get your voice mailbox number from

your network service provider. Check your order confirmation or your

network service provider's support website.
1. Select settings > calls > more settings > voicemails and voice call

messages > voice mailbox no..
2. Type in your voice mailbox number, then select OK.
Listen to your voicemail when you just missed a call

1. Select the notification of a new message on the home screen.
2. Select options > call sender.
Listen to your voicemail later

Select phone, then press and hold 1.