Basic rules of the road – Nautique 2008 70141 User Manual
Page 55

The General Prudential Rule
The General Prudential Rule regarding right of way, is that if a
collision appears unavoidable, neither boat has right of way. As
prescribed in the "Rules of the Road," both boats must act to avoid
Night Running
Boats operating between sunset and sunrise (hours vary by state)
must use navigational lights. Nighttime operation, especially during
bad weather or fog can be dangerous. All "Rules of the Road" apply
at night, but it is best to slow down and stay clear of all boats,
regardless of who has right of way. Protect your night vision by
avoiding bright lights and have a passenger, if possible, help keep
watch for other boats, water hazards and aids to navigation.
Basic Rules of the Road
Nautique Ski Sec 2.qxd:Nautique Ski Sec 2.qxd 6/19/07 4:40 AM Page 2-9