Nautique 2008 70141 User Manual
Page 22

Section 1
Correct Craft, Inc.
The capacity plate is used by boat manufacturers participating in
the National Marine Manufacturers Association certification
program. Correct Craft has submitted your model for inspection
and compliance with their guidelines.
The capacity plate has the following information permanently
printed on it. It is attached to the boat by the throttle for the
operator to read before they drive the boat.
• The total weight of persons, gear and other items which the
boat is capable of carrying under normal conditions. This
weight must include any added ballast other than the Correct
Craft Launch Control System™.
• Death or serious injury can occur from overloading the boat.
DO NOT purposely overload your Correct Craft boat. Do
not fill the bilge area with water to act as ballast.
• The maximum number of persons allowed on the boat. This
information on the capacity plate applies under normal
conditions and special care must be used in any other than
normal conditions. Check the capacity plate on your boat
and abide by these limits.
Correct Craft, Inc. installs permanent wake enhancement ballast
tanks called the Launch Control System™ in some models. The full
weight of this system has already been considered in the boat weight
and therefore does not influence maximum capacity, unlike portable
ballast tanks or weights, which must be included as part of the gear
An overloaded boat will handle differently than a lightly loaded
one. Drive and turn your Nautique with this in mind. As
wakeboarding has developed, we have witnessed the advent of
ballast systems which add weight and increase the size of the wake.
The simplest ballast system on the market is the water ballast type,
such as the “phat sack.” It is not uncommon to see operators use
such systems and then put additional people in their boat. Please be
advised that this practice can lead to overloading your boat. Each
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